Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race

you tell me genius. how come Barnie has so much conviction to be a Senator(I) but not a POTUS(I)?
this is your guy, not mine. he's the one that's gonna change the US forever, right? he's a pu&&y like you.
Millard Fillmore for the Whig party in 1850

I don't see people like you bitch when Sanders caucuses with the Democrats or supports Democratic legislation. It's only when he presents a legitimate threat to the two party corrupt political system neoliberals take issue with it
Millard Fillmore for the Whig party in 1850

I don't see people like you bitch when Sanders caucuses with the Democrats or supports Democratic legislation. It's only when he presents a legitimate threat to the two party corrupt political system neoliberals take issue with it
I can't believe you align yourself with someone who works with those neoliberal democraps! You're not even a progressive. Obviously progressives don't like progress. Vote against Biden in the fall to make sure progress happens!
Millard Fillmore for the Whig party in 1850

I don't see people like you bitch when Sanders caucuses with the Democrats or supports Democratic legislation. It's only when he presents a legitimate threat to the two party corrupt political system neoliberals take issue with it
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. He's not even a legitimate threat to win the Dem nomination. He did worse this time than last time. What's a neoliberal?

Did your parents have any kids that lived?