Tara Reade: Biden sex attack accuser urges him to quit race


If you didn't like what Biden's being accused of, Well then I certainly hope you can see the hypocrisy in what some are saying.

Our Pervert and Leader has done more damage to Women then anyone has done.


Vote ALL Republican's out in November !!!
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If you didn't like what Biden's being accused of, Well then I certainly hope you can see the hypocrisy in what some are saying.

Our Pervert and Leader has done more damage to Women then anyone has done.


Vote ALL Republican's out in November !!!
She even went to court and a judge found it credible. But hunter.. wait he got impeached over that. But tara!
Biden is going to lose in part because of this. Sane people see the writing on the wall, people defending him will blame it on this just like they blamed Clinton's loss on her email/benghazi/Comey scandal(s). Meanwhile Trump gets to stack the SC.

We warned liberals when there was plenty of time to replace Biden for someone better. Going in with Biden is an unnecessary liability. Biden bro's won't have it though. They've simultaneously handed Trump a second term and reduced the #MeToo movement to he said she said partisan politics
Here's a list of people Tara Reade has accused of assault or harassment.
Her father, Robert Moulton
Her ex-husband, Tate
A former employer, Krystal Rojas
A YWCA supervisor
A former business partner, Frankie Knight
Joe Biden
These are all people Reade has either gone to court with, or publicly accused.
She's a fucking nut case, it's really that simple.
Biden is going to lose in part because of this. Sane people see the writing on the wall, people defending him will blame it on this just like they blamed Clinton's loss on her email/benghazi/Comey scandal(s). Meanwhile Trump gets to stack the SC.

We warned liberals when there was plenty of time to replace Biden for someone better. Going in with Biden is an unnecessary liability. Biden bro's won't have it though. They've simultaneously handed Trump a second term and reduced the #MeToo movement to he said she said partisan politics
"It's the timing, though", "she's accused people before!" ..

The arguments against Reade's case sound awfully familiar to the Republican criticisms against Ford when she testified against Kavenaugh. Difference is Ford had fewer witness corroboration and Reade is accusing a Democrat
Your a joke
When Trump defeats Biden, are you going to examine why nobody supports the Democratic establishment, not even voters facing 4 more years of the prospect of the worst president in American history? Or continue to claim there's nothing wrong with the party backing corporate interests over constituents and blame the voters?
"It's the timing, though", "she's accused people before!" ..

The arguments against Reade's case sound awfully familiar to the Republican criticisms against Ford when she testified against Kavenaugh. Difference is Ford had fewer witness corroboration and Reade is accusing a Democrat
Right, maybe that is why it was manufactured to sound like it does huh?

I don't know if what she has said happened did or not, but it is telling how much you pretend like you want to believe it. And are lying to make it worse than it was, which is unnecessary unless your a troll for Trump.

And you're lying about the witness corroboration, Ford's testimony, psychologist, friends knew it was Kavnaugh and her story was always consistent, and she tried to keep it out of the public eye. Unlike this lady.
When Trump defeats Biden, are you going to examine why nobody supports the Democratic establishment, not even voters facing 4 more years of the prospect of the worst president in American history? Or continue to claim there's nothing wrong with the party backing corporate interests over constituents and blame the voters?
You sound really sure of yourself. Almost as sure as when you thought Bernie would win the Democratic nomination.

Trump troll
When Trump defeats Biden, are you going to examine why nobody supports the Democratic establishment, not even voters facing 4 more years of the prospect of the worst president in American history? Or continue to claim there's nothing wrong with the party backing corporate interests over constituents and blame the voters?
Why is an obvious terrorist holding an AK-47 your avatar?
I'm just very curious.