So I tend to over-pop just so in case I get crappy ratio on females that I'll still be able to fill the run. Meat was sadly on the lesser priority at the time and I only popped a few, got a couple males and ended up not needing the female because the tent got filled with whatever I had goin on at the time (I believeee it was bananabreath and ghostbreath) so it was .....dare I say....chucked

I don't remember what happened to the other half of that pack, probably given away like I did my 2nd pack of meatbreath. Mistakessss x'D
Almost nabbed meat madness like 500 times over the years but there was always something more interesting I could grab so I didn't - and now they're gone

Dude the Pure Michigan 2.0 had metallic grape soda (but not 'sweet' grape) scent. Suuuuper weird the only thing I've had with 'metal' terps is Cannabiogen's Peyote Purple some years back....even the packaging on that one said 'metallic shampoo' under the terp part of the label. And they weren't lying.....way weird.
Gotcha, those 4ft 8 bulbs kick butt I used to run one....til it melted. Lmao. I've never tried cmh - I hear a lottt of agood stuff about it but I decided to go the LED route with Horticulture Lighting Group - just upgraded about 2 months ago.
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Only worrisome part is the lack of housing for the wiring and dimmer switches - but that's the DIY kit and that's how it comes... Luckily LED is so much less of a threat than HPS, kinda happy to migrate away from it finally. Can't wait to get some Meaty Ones under these puppies.