Help with closet ventilation setup


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I need help with my closet ventilation setup. This closet is 7'tall x 2'wide x 2'deep, as you can see I have a 6" axial fan towards the bottom and also have a 4" 150cfm cenfig exhaust fan and a 4"can carbon filter.
I installed a 4" duct towards the top left of the closet would anybody give an idea on how to set this up don't want my filter to be outside the closet or am I going about this the wrong way. if anybody could draw an illustration of this I would really appreciate.
Also one last thing if the air from the room is being sucked up by the exhaust fan and into the can filter and both exhaust fan and filter are in the closet then how would the clean filter air will travel out the vent duct on the top of the closet.
Thanks guys for all the help need to get this closet up and running today or tomorrow cause I just moved in and have 6 mums at my other house that I got from clones there are all females. there stinking up my other house so I really need to get this close proper thanks again.
BTW this closet is only for mums once i learn how to set this ventilation up hen I'll start working on the flower room in the next two weeks.



Well-Known Member
Put a couple hooks on the top of the cabinet, and hang the filter from the top, on it's side, it looks like it'll fit nicely. Have the fan blow the air out of the duct up there, after sucking it through the filter. The small fan on the bottom should be plenty good enough for intake air. Good luck :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Put a couple hooks on the top of the cabinet, and hang the filter from the top, on it's side, it looks like it'll fit nicely. Have the fan blow the air out of the duct up there, after sucking it through the filter. The small fan on the bottom should be plenty good enough for intake air. Good luck :leaf:
Hey MrHowardMarks thanks for that but I'm still confused a little if I connect the fan to the filter so that the fan is sucking all the hot and smelly air into the filter. Once it enters the filter how do I get the clean air out the duct on top I need another fan?