Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Enough said, reality has overtaken the debate.
Drastic Increase In Projected COVID-19 Deaths As States Relax Social Distancing | MSNBC

“Reopening the country is going to be deadlier than we were told,” Katy Tur said as a new report projected 135,000 U.S. deaths from coronavirus by early August. About half of the country’s states are reopening to some degree, amid a disease curve that has flattened in some places but has not decreased overall. The U.S. could see a daily death rate that exceeds that seen during the previous peak, when medical staff and mortuary services were past capacity. The U.S. could see a daily death rate that exceeds that seen during the previous peak, when medical staff and mortuary services were past capacity. Aired on 5/04/2020.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Bullshit. You're appealing to emotion. That's not my position at all and you know it. Yesterday, after I eviscerated your weak arguments, you claimed I was bullying you and ran away crying, when I was arguing alone against a crowd of trolls with weaponized likes and memes and shitposting all on your side. The fact is, the evidence is simply not on your side and I have patiently and calmly rebutted every fallacy you've composed. The lockdowns have failed utterly to protect the most vulnerable.

Serosurveys have been showing that the virus is far more widespread than the number of confirmed cases would have us believe. The WHO has reported, already more than a fortnight ago, that 2% - 3% of the world is estimated to have antibodies. It's been two weeks since the samples were taken showing New York at over 25% infected. A German serosurvey from 3 weeks ago showed 15%. Sweden is claiming to be less than a month from herd immunity.

With herd immunity coming so rapidly and a vaccine so far away, it is pure folly to think that we can forestall the spread of this pandemic until there is a vaccine when there has never been a vaccine in history developed in under four years. Worse yet, if we continue to try, it will drive up the rate of death because we'll be contending with a famine AND a pandemic.

Top this with the fact that those dying from the disease need not be exposed in order to let the workforce continue to run society. By and large, those vulnerable are the elderly and comorbid and they are not part of the work force. People need to fucking eat.
Bullshit. You're appealing to emotion. That's not my position at all and you know it. Yesterday, after I eviscerated your weak arguments, you claimed I was bullying you and ran away crying, when I was arguing alone against a crowd of trolls with weaponized likes and memes and shitposting all on your side. The fact is, the evidence is simply not on your side and I have patiently and calmly rebutted every fallacy you've composed. The lockdowns have failed utterly to protect the most vulnerable.
Eviscerated lol. You seem to have a different meaning for that word. Patiently and calm .... ffs, you have been anything but that. Actually fog has been very patient in explaining why he feels lockdowns are neccesary until you started to use personal attacks re calling everyone dumb and stupid that disagrees. Trolling started when you started whining about being trolled. it is you that caused it by being a whining bitch that cries and stamps your feet .........
Serosurveys have been showing that the virus is far more widespread than the number of confirmed cases would have us believe. The WHO has reported, already more than a fortnight ago, that 2% - 3% of the world is estimated to have antibodies. It's been two weeks since the samples were taken showing New York at over 25% infected. A German serosurvey from 3 weeks ago showed 15%. Sweden is claiming to be less than a month from herd immunity.
Ok so what’s your point? Let’s get everyone infected (600 million), that, even though we don’t really know what the long term effects are. All so you can go back to snorkelling with resort guests? Maybe it’s time to rethink your long term life plan now that you have a family. We’re only a month away from what? You pulled up a few names that feel lifting the lockdown is the course we should follow. I’m pretty sure (if I wanted to waste a bunch of time) that I could drop way more names that say it’s not a good ideal, so again what’s your point?
With herd immunity coming so rapidly and a vaccine so far away, it is pure folly to think that we can forestall the spread of this pandemic until there is a vaccine when there has never been a vaccine in history developed in under four years. Worse yet, if we continue to try, it will drive up the rate of death because we'll be contending with a famine AND a pandemic.
Yes the famine. I’m sure your somewhat right on this one and the virus will contribute to more wide spread lack of relief and death but so will letting it run its course. This famine will most likely happen where people’s health is already compromised causing way higher death rates from the virus. Should we try and mitigate the spread? Or is this part of your culling of the weak strategy?
Top this with the fact that those dying from the disease need not be exposed in order to let the workforce continue to run society. By and large, those vulnerable are the elderly and comorbid and they are not part of the work force. People need to fucking eat.
please show where you found this “most are not part of the workforce” number? There is a shortage now of skilled (that means old in AC speak) workers but hey let’s make them stay home or die.
My take on how you presented your debate is “fuck everyone except the young and strong” so you can carry on with your life of leisure. It’s to bad your now realizing this may not have been the best plan with a new family to ensure their safety.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I would have went into more detail but I have many uninteresting things to do today to ensure my family is safe and comfortable. No time for reading the whining of someone who shouts “I’m a combat vet” while wiping the tears away.


Well-Known Member
I would have went into more detail but I have many uninteresting things to do today to ensure my family is safe and comfortable. No time for reading the whining of someone who shouts “I’m a combat vet” while wiping the tears away.
it's been more than 24 hrs so shouldn't we mention you said to shoot people in the face?? lol


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. You're appealing to emotion. That's not my position at all and you know it. Yesterday, after I eviscerated your weak arguments, you claimed I was bullying you and ran away crying, when I was arguing alone against a crowd of trolls with weaponized likes and memes and shitposting all on your side. The fact is, the evidence is simply not on your side and I have patiently and calmly rebutted every fallacy you've composed. The lockdowns have failed utterly to protect the most vulnerable.

Serosurveys have been showing that the virus is far more widespread than the number of confirmed cases would have us believe. The WHO has reported, already more than a fortnight ago, that 2% - 3% of the world is estimated to have antibodies. It's been two weeks since the samples were taken showing New York at over 25% infected. A German serosurvey from 3 weeks ago showed 15%. Sweden is claiming to be less than a month from herd immunity.

With herd immunity coming so rapidly and a vaccine so far away, it is pure folly to think that we can forestall the spread of this pandemic until there is a vaccine when there has never been a vaccine in history developed in under four years. Worse yet, if we continue to try, it will drive up the rate of death because we'll be contending with a famine AND a pandemic.

Top this with the fact that those dying from the disease need not be exposed in order to let the workforce continue to run society. By and large, those vulnerable are the elderly and comorbid and they are not part of the work force. People need to fucking eat.

The first word was adequate. Sorry that your cult of death is being rejected. Actually not sorry. Lockdowns work. So does widespread testing, contact tracing and isolation of active cases. There is no need for millions to die, just a need for us to rationally deal with the science behind this virus. The model you presented showing a massive increase in new cases assumes an unintelligent relaxation of lockdowns. It represents failure, not anything to be desired except by Republican death cults.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. You're appealing to emotion. That's not my position at all and you know it. Yesterday, after I eviscerated your weak arguments, you claimed I was bullying you and ran away crying, when I was arguing alone against a crowd of trolls with weaponized likes and memes and shitposting all on your side. The fact is, the evidence is simply not on your side and I have patiently and calmly rebutted every fallacy you've composed. The lockdowns have failed utterly to protect the most vulnerable.
Eviscerated lol. You seem to have a different meaning for that word. Patiently and calm .... ffs, you have been anything but that. Actually fog has been very patient in explaining why he feels lockdowns are neccesary until you started to use personal attacks re calling everyone dumb and stupid that disagrees. Trolling started when you started whining about being trolled. it is you that caused it by being a whining bitch that cries and stamps your feet .........
Serosurveys have been showing that the virus is far more widespread than the number of confirmed cases would have us believe. The WHO has reported, already more than a fortnight ago, that 2% - 3% of the world is estimated to have antibodies. It's been two weeks since the samples were taken showing New York at over 25% infected. A German serosurvey from 3 weeks ago showed 15%. Sweden is claiming to be less than a month from herd immunity.
Ok so what’s your point? Let’s get everyone infected (600 million), that, even though we don’t really know what the long term effects are. All so you can go back to snorkelling with resort guests? Maybe it’s time to rethink your long term life plan now that you have a family. We’re only a month away from what? You pulled up a few names that feel lifting the lockdown is the course we should follow. I’m pretty sure (if I wanted to waste a bunch of time) that I could drop way more names that say it’s not a good ideal, so again what’s your point?
With herd immunity coming so rapidly and a vaccine so far away, it is pure folly to think that we can forestall the spread of this pandemic until there is a vaccine when there has never been a vaccine in history developed in under four years. Worse yet, if we continue to try, it will drive up the rate of death because we'll be contending with a famine AND a pandemic.
Yes the famine. I’m sure your somewhat right on this one and the virus will contribute to more wide spread lack of relief and death but so will letting it run its course. This famine will most likely happen where people’s health is already compromised causing way higher death rates from the virus. Should we try and mitigate the spread? Or is this part of your culling of the weak strategy?
Top this with the fact that those dying from the disease need not be exposed in order to let the workforce continue to run society. By and large, those vulnerable are the elderly and comorbid and they are not part of the work force. People need to fucking eat.
please show where you found this “most are not part of the workforce” number? There is a shortage now of skilled (that means old in AC speak) workers but hey let’s make them stay home or die.
My take on how you presented your debate is “fuck everyone except the young and strong” so you can carry on with your life of leisure. It’s to bad your now realizing this may not have been the best plan with a new family to ensure their safety.
It all sounds so very familiar what Death Cultists say because they are emulating Trump and his narcissism. Just look at how the Death Cultist whined to rolli about how he "was being trolled". Rolli, confirmed trolling on his part. Blunt honesty doesn't stop a narcissist, though. So, here you are word for word rebutting his claims and it's certain that when the Death Cult troll wakes up, he'll go right back to lap up the vomit he left behind for you to respond to. But he'll just ignore your factual, honest and clear response. Its always Groundhog Day for those guys.

I hear his kind killed a security guard at a Dollar Store for saying they must cover their fucking pie hole with a mask. That's the mentality we are dealing with. No wonder Republican controlled states are beginning to diverge from blue ones with higher new infection rates and climbing deaths. They are getting violent because that is the last resort of the ignorant.


Well-Known Member
No I asked if we would be allowed. He likes to spin his quotes to suit his agenda.
when all else fails, lie. he does have a bit of trump's playbook going on
Trump disease includes the inability to tell the truth and to gaslight those who do. Its too bad for Trump and his narcissist death cult that trying to gaslight an epidemic is impossible. Even for Putin. EncourageConflict doesn't stand a chance with this tactic.

Still, though, as odious as DeathCultist's calls for the death of millions are, I'm still somewhat sympathetic to his plight. As a tourist operator his small business is threatened, if not already dead, due to the quite reasonable actions people are taking by not traveling. His problem is that when he showed a lack of concern for our own lives and those dear to us, our willingness to account for his issues practically evaporated. If tourist operators want to visit death upon us so that their business can survive, then those with different values and objectives are going to devalue the tourist operator's plight. Empathy and caring for others encourages trust and cooperation. Apathy and disregard for others engenders the opposite. That's why societies that care about each other do better than those that promote social Darwinism. It's also why Republicans and that tourist operator are on the wrong side of this issue.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. It's a subjective puff piece. South Dakota never had a lockdown and a similar number of cases and despite its smaller population, it had an outbreak cluster comparable in scope to what one would see in community spread in a city like Portland. Both states have sparsely populated rural areas and so they are quite comparable. Both states saw community spread at around the same time period. Nonetheless, South Dakota has seen far fewer deaths despite having an inferior healthcare system, less wealth and even with its smaller overall state population, has had fewer deaths even per capita. Nor can this be attributed to testing dispparities as Oregon has conducted far more total tests.

Considering that South Dakota has achieved this without lockdowns, they need not worry about a coming spike in cases due to an easing of such measures.
View attachment 4555641

States are opening though, whether you like it or not. You don't have to go outside though. oregon will open long before there is a vaccine or herd immunity as well, mark my words.
You just keep on with the science denial. I tell you what, take all of this to Duterte and talk with HIM about how you need HIM to allow the deaths of millions by ending his lockdown. After all, your own concerns are all that matter to you.


Well-Known Member
"he said the outsize toll was not part of the plan. "

It sure as hell was part of the plan. He can't plead ignorance. Every goddamn other country in his neck of the woods were locked down. What did he think was going on?

Tegnell sounds like our resident SCUBA tourist operator-amateur virologist. I wonder, will he mock the Swedish public for grieving their dead loved ones?


Well-Known Member
"he said the outsize toll was not part of the plan. "

It sure as hell was part of the plan. He can't plead ignorance. Every goddamn other country in his neck of the woods were locked down. What did he think was going on?

Tegnell sounds like our resident SCUBA tourist operator-amateur virologist. I wonder, will he mock the Swedish public for grieving their dead loved ones?
Due to the political arrangements in Sweden he has a lot of independence from the government, but when he screwed up like this and didn't take adequate measures to protect the vulnerable, its professional negligence. I don't think the guy is gonna survive in his job, it will look even worse if treatment options start saving lots of lives later this summer.


Well-Known Member
"he said the outsize toll was not part of the plan. "

It sure as hell was part of the plan. He can't plead ignorance. Every goddamn other country in his neck of the woods were locked down. What did he think was going on?

Tegnell sounds like our resident SCUBA tourist operator-amateur virologist. I wonder, will he mock the Swedish public for grieving their dead loved ones?
Sweden seems to be a one legged duck.
The FM says herd immunity is not part of the plan.
This guy says hmmm, we didn't see that coming.

I predict a political shift in the next election (hopefully like ours in Nov)