@bk78 you got something add?
Should I give you a minute to google?
Are you saying you want us to provide peer reviewed studies to back up what we are saying? If so, then where are yours? If chlorine or chloramine is so detrimental to plants, at the dosages normally seen in tap water, then why would so many people who use tap water not be having the issues you are claiming to be caused by it? For the record, I grew exclusively with RO water for over a year. I switched to tap, a year ago when I got tired of all the waste, and I've seen zero difference in how my plants grow.
If you're going to make a claim, yes, even one ref. for further reading would be nice. There's a reason broscience floods these type of forums.
I use straight tap in living soil too, but that's not the point. Soil food webs in raised beds or containers do not have the same ability to repopulate and balance out as an outdoor soil does. At least not in the time frame needed for the type of plants we grow. Would you agree with that?
Edited to add - first link saved in my garden notes.
Access full-text academic articles: J-STAGE is an online platform for Japanese academic journals.
Krone, W. J. and F. F. Weinard. 1931. Experiments with solutions of chlorine and sodium chloride on pot plants. Proc. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 27: 444- 448.
I have a few others but I'll have to check to make sure they're still active.