F1 Strain has rounded leaves? Curious.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have any experience with a strain doing this? I received these seeds from a very nice user on here and this is what's happening ! lol love it so far its a resilient strain.


Well-Known Member
... Does anyone have any experience with a strain doing this? I received these seeds from a very nice user on here and this is what's happening ! lol love it so far its a resilient strain ...
Indica leaves are rounded whereas sativa leaves are more elongated. So those leaves look like they are an indica strain ... but they are still young-uns.

During those first few nodes, hybrids can display stubby round leaves then display the skinnier leaves as the mature. I have seen that with the two strains that I have been running for the past year or so. One is an indica dominant strain and the other is a sativa dominant strain ... yet both started out like that when I first germinated them.

Great green color though ...

conor c

Well-Known Member
Yeah its more indica for sure i find rounded leaves more on certain afghan or indian strains not from the kush range whereas the hindu kush type strains i find there leaves tend to be more sharp and jaggy obviously this is just my observations but its what ive found anyway im sure there will be exceptions to the rule as in most things of course