Aussie Growers Thread

Hey guys, I've been reading-back over the past few days ('been building a house frame!) & I'm going to stick my neck out here & expect to cop some flak for it, but I'm a big boy & can handle myself...

I've noticed over the past few days that a lot of former members have suddenly re-surfaced & all at once. Also, a lot of obvious "sock" accounts have been created & posting with obvious prior knowledge of events. Concidence?

Just about all of them joined a "hunting-pack" on one particular member of the forum (@Venus55) last night. Coincidence?

Coordinated attack? Afraid to stand alone, or are you only brave enough when there's a group of you? Bullies are notorious for being cowards when you get them on their own - only brave in a pack & go for the perceived "easy" targets.

@sunni has already picked-up on this & read us the riot-act AS A COLLECTIVE.

BTW, I'm not emotionally "invested" in this, just speaking-up where I see an injustice towards another individual. I'll do the same for anyone where I see bullying.

I've defended JZS when he has his occasional melt-downs & the "pack" piles-in on him. I see this as no different.
Laugh all you like, mate. I see you as the main protagonist/antagonist, despite the respect I hold for your knowledge & experience. I KNEW I'd cop some flak over this & you're the first person I expected it from.

I'm just calling it as I see it.

Nothing is surprising me so far.
Hey guys, I've been reading-back over the past few days ('been building a house frame!) & I'm going to stick my neck out here & expect to cop some flak for it, but I'm a big boy & can handle myself...

I've noticed over the past few days that a lot of former members have suddenly re-surfaced & all at once. Also, a lot of obvious "sock" accounts have been created & posting with obvious prior knowledge of events. Concidence?

Just about all of them joined a "hunting-pack" on one particular member of the forum (@Venus55) last night. Coincidence?

Coordinated attack? Afraid to stand alone, or are you only brave enough when there's a group of you? Bullies are notorious for being cowards when you get them on their own - only brave in a pack & go for the perceived "easy" targets.

@sunni has already picked-up on this & read us the riot-act AS A COLLECTIVE.

BTW, I'm not emotionally "invested" in this, just speaking-up where I see an injustice towards another individual. I'll do the same for anyone where I see bullying.

I've defended JZS when he has his occasional melt-downs & the "pack" piles-in on him. I see this as no different.
so everythings been going just fine today but you want to start it all again? fk me...
Ive copped a heap of abuse and threats of violence but its all about Venus?

Move on bud, move on.
Laugh all you like, mate. I see you as the main protagonist/antagonist, despite the respect I hold for your knowledge & experience. I KNEW I'd cop some flak over this & you're the first person I expected it from.

I'm just calling it as I see it.

Nothing is surprising me so far.
BTW it's obvious you are emotionally "invested" or you wouldn't have had to mention that you weren't
Don't joke about it, I've seen guys soak 10+ pounds of moldy weed in Jack Daniels (never found out why they chose J.D?) Then press it into bricks and wrapped it in this wrapping paper with Chinese style dragons and sold it as Chinese Black lol they made good $ of it too
Thye prob doubled their money, lol

ive tried soaking buds in JD and tia maria.
all it did really was make it all crispy and sugery... and piss off mum
Wish I could say the same I had one to forget that's for sure. Wish carona had come a couple months earlier tbh.
agreed. i was meant to go on a cruise this month and was having a friends son house sit. So i had nuthing going in veg.

But yea, u had a cunt of a start to the year
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