Boomers have ruined the planet

Well during the boomers era we went from a surplus to a debt of 30 trillion, and the planet is nearly destroyed. I guess you didn’t read the evidence I posted

The same people calling out boomers, will be around in a few decades. I wonder what the youngsters will be calling them.

Human beings are the most pernicious creatures on the planet. Age has nothing to do with it.
I believe greed is the culprit. The most "greedy" human will be the most successful and be in control. Just like any organism. Is that good for others? Yes and no. Depends on where you stand. Then you have the timing thingy. Terrible for the earth. Consumption will destroy us.
Well during the boomers era we went from a surplus to a debt of 30 trillion, and the planet is nearly destroyed. I guess you didn’t read the evidence I posted
You have much to learn, this goes back over 100 years:
"Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a simple matter of economics. USNs were backed by silver and FRNs were (still are) backed by nothing of intrinsic value. As a result of Executive Order 11110, the national debt would have prevented from reaching its current level (almost all of the $9 trillion in federal debt has been created since 1963). Executive Order 11110 also granted the U.S. Government the power to repay past debt without further borrowing from the privately owned Federal Reserve which charged both principle and interest and all new "money" it "created." Finally, Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to create its own money backed by silver, again giving money real value."

When you're done reading, please post politics in the political section...ya buzz kill!
You have much to learn, this goes back over 100 years:
"Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a simple matter of economics. USNs were backed by silver and FRNs were (still are) backed by nothing of intrinsic value. As a result of Executive Order 11110, the national debt would have prevented from reaching its current level (almost all of the $9 trillion in federal debt has been created since 1963). Executive Order 11110 also granted the U.S. Government the power to repay past debt without further borrowing from the privately owned Federal Reserve which charged both principle and interest and all new "money" it "created." Finally, Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to create its own money backed by silver, again giving money real value."

When you're done reading, please post politics in the political section...ya buzz kill!

How you been bro? Is Montana still in the picture?
How's the basement? You should rent it out to Clinton so she can kill babies. That what she was doing, right?
Not sure exactly why I went that direction.

I'm bummed about hockey (kinda), but only because the Sharks were about to go on a 20 game winning streak. Oh well.

You have much to learn, this goes back over 100 years:
"Kennedy knew that if the silver-backed United States Notes were widely circulated, they would eliminated the demand for Federal Reserve Notes. This is a simple matter of economics. USNs were backed by silver and FRNs were (still are) backed by nothing of intrinsic value. As a result of Executive Order 11110, the national debt would have prevented from reaching its current level (almost all of the $9 trillion in federal debt has been created since 1963). Executive Order 11110 also granted the U.S. Government the power to repay past debt without further borrowing from the privately owned Federal Reserve which charged both principle and interest and all new "money" it "created." Finally, Executive Order 11110 gave the U.S.A. the ability to create its own money backed by silver, again giving money real value."

When you're done reading, please post politics in the political section...ya buzz kill!
EO 11110 was a simple accounting modification.

Nothing to do whatsoever with eliminating the Federal Reserve, except on YT conspiracy theory videos.
The federal reserve is a good thing. The United States started out as 13 corporations. The fed provided the liquidity to expansionism and the great standard of living. It’s the Hamilton version of government. The conspiracy theory you posted is not true.
How you been bro? Is Montana still in the picture?
How's the basement? You should rent it out to Clinton so she can kill babies. That what she was doing, right?
Not sure exactly why I went that direction.

I'm bummed about hockey (kinda), but only because the Sharks were about to go on a 20 game winning streak. Oh well.

Hey there J!
Just last week I was looking at 8 acres in Cascade county, very, very remote.
If this area sounds familiar, it should; as it's about 20 miles from where Llama once lived.
Was just in basement, didn't see Hillary down there. :lol:
Had to convert part of it to a gym, as mine closed many weeks ago.
Am bummed about all sports, almost bought white sox tics back in late Feb.
Glad I didn't.
EO 11110 was a simple accounting modification.

Nothing to do whatsoever with eliminating the Federal Reserve, except on YT conspiracy theory videos.
Have it your way, but the Fed Res is the single greatest Ponzi scheme ever created.

I'll stick to recorded quotes.:peace:
Have it your way, but the Fed Res is the single greatest Ponzi scheme ever created.

I'll stick to recorded quotes.:peace:
How about this one:

EO 11110 didn't say what people seem to think it said 50 years later.

They would take silver coins out of circulation a year and a half later because of industrial demand.

You can't have a dime in circulation that is worth 15 cents, they would all disappear and you'd have a coin shortage.
57,000 have died as of Today. April 28, 2020

987,691 have been tested as Infected.

Death Rate is 5.1% rate of death

As of today around 1700 per day are dying. Which is down from over 2000+ per day

Going by CDC 5.1% Death rate from those tested. as of today.

Covid has overtaken Cancer, and Heart Disease as the #1 Killer in USA.

Expect the final death toll to be well over 100,000. Maybe 150,000+. Its going to come back like a MFr in the Fall.

Vietnam has very few deaths , 50 so far . Most of rural folk eat garlic and other plant recipes . Because of my Chirosis and diabetes I put garlic powder and Louisiana Hot sauce , and now experimenting with Habenero Hot Sauce . Way back 5 years ago , I was extremely sick and my toes were infected and my gums were infected , ended up the Hospital and had major surgery for an tooth root that got infected down into my throat swollen shut. Major surgery , i was really scared in severe pain .They had me on bags of antilbiotics and antifungals . I had Cadida Yeast on my legs and elbows and knees . I could go on for pages about how sick I was . Then I got real sick and my oxygen dropped to 84 percent blood saturation and should have been in the hospital . So I had some garlic cloves and started eating quickly , A half an hour later my Blood Oxygen Saturation went up to 99 percent , which is almost perfect , I kept eating raw garlic but it made my stomach hurt so I switched to Garlic Powder in my coffee , and now I put Louisiana Hot sauce also in my Coffee , All of my Health problems went away and have had really bad flu bugs and I just doubled up on the garlic and hot sauce and coffee and in a few days I was well again . I tested positive for the novel corona virus Sar/2 , and I never even felt sick , My gums are pink , the Yeast infections went away , my toes infections went away , If my tooth hurts I put and hold garlic powder of my tooth and a couple of hours later it is fine and no pain , If I did not take my garlic and hot sauce with my coffee I would be on a bunch of pills that were antibiotics and antifungal pills , or in the ICU with 3 bags of IV antibiotics and 1 antifungal bag , This is caused by my Liver disease and my Diabetes and my spine compression and bones spurs on my bulging disk , yada , yada , yada , I could go on for page after page after page, My sister is in Chi and Chong of healing yourself with meditation and all that stuff that doesnt work for me ,

I do believe that vaccines can cause autoimmune disease , my sister has Lupus , and now she might need a pace maker,
She pretty scared about the progressive nature of Lupus .

I don't know how to compress this post into a thing that says click here to expand text ,

I know most people will not believe my life story over the last 7 years , but it is all true as God is my Witness,

Best Regards too whomever is concerned

Sincerely Halman9000
Vietnam has very few deaths , 50 so far . Most of rural folk eat garlic and other plant recipes . Because of my Chirosis and diabetes I put garlic powder and Louisiana Hot sauce , and now experimenting with Habenero Hot Sauce . Way back 5 years ago , I was extremely sick and my toes were infected and my gums were infected , ended up the Hospital and had major surgery for an tooth root that got infected down into my throat swollen shut. Major surgery , i was really scared in severe pain .They had me on bags of antilbiotics and antifungals . I had Cadida Yeast on my legs and elbows and knees . I could go on for pages about how sick I was . Then I got real sick and my oxygen dropped to 84 percent blood saturation and should have been in the hospital . So I had some garlic cloves and started eating quickly , A half an hour later my Blood Oxygen Saturation went up to 99 percent , which is almost perfect , I kept eating raw garlic but it made my stomach hurt so I switched to Garlic Powder in my coffee , and now I put Louisiana Hot sauce also in my Coffee , All of my Health problems went away and have had really bad flu bugs and I just doubled up on the garlic and hot sauce and coffee and in a few days I was well again . I tested positive for the novel corona virus Sar/2 , and I never even felt sick , My gums are pink , the Yeast infections went away , my toes infections went away , If my tooth hurts I put and hold garlic powder of my tooth and a couple of hours later it is fine and no pain , If I did not take my garlic and hot sauce with my coffee I would be on a bunch of pills that were antibiotics and antifungal pills , or in the ICU with 3 bags of IV antibiotics and 1 antifungal bag , This is caused by my Liver disease and my Diabetes and my spine compression and bones spurs on my bulging disk , yada , yada , yada , I could go on for page after page after page, My sister is in Chi and Chong of healing yourself with meditation and all that stuff that doesnt work for me ,

I do believe that vaccines can cause autoimmune disease , my sister has Lupus , and now she might need a pace maker,
She pretty scared about the progressive nature of Lupus .

I don't know how to compress this post into a thing that says click here to expand text ,

I know most people will not believe my life story over the last 7 years , but it is all true as God is my Witness,

Best Regards too whomever is concerned

Sincerely Halman9000
this thread is like the twilight zone. I don't see it in the forum list.
