Boomers have ruined the planet

Hey zeddd a boomer wants yer blood now! :-D

UK launches trial into coronavirus blood plasma treatment with plans to give it to 5,000 patients a week if tests are successful
  • The Government has been collecting plasma for the NHS if the trial is a success
  • Matt Hancock confirmed the new treatment could help 5,000 people per week
  • The process involves harvesting plasma from the blood of recovered patients
  • Convalescent plasma therapy apparently helped a man in America recover
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19
A new trial into blood plasma has been authorised by the government with the view it could treat 5,000 people a week if it is successful.

The trialled treatment involves plasma taken from blood donated from recovered coronavirus patients being transfused to current patients who struggle to produce antibodies to fight the virus.

The Government has been increasing its collection of plasma so that the NHS can start using the treatment in the event of a successful trial.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said this process, which was used to help treat the Sars outbreak, is expected to help 5,000 people per week if the trial is a success.

He said: 'The UK has world-leading life sciences and research sectors and I have every hope this treatment will be a major milestone in our fight against this disease.

'Hundreds of people are participating in national trials already for potential treatments and the scaling up of convalescent plasma collection means thousands could potentially benefit from it in the future.'

In order to collect the plasma a 45-minute process is completed where blood is taken from one arm and circulated through a machine that separates out the plasma, and the blood is then returned to the donor.

The NHS Blood and Transplant will contact people in England who have recovered and who might be able to donate, the department said.
I can still FULL Squat 350lbs, and do 500 bodyweight Squats in 28 minutes. I still 2x my bodyweight on bench press for 3 reps.

Your fitness is impressive, good job maintaining that level. I think the running would kill me.

I was a competitive power lifter a long time ago, trained with a brother-in-law, a decent guy and a natural powerhouse. We both usually competed in the same weight class. Years later one of my boys was hanging out with his cousin (my brother in laws son) at their basement gym messing around with weights as teen agers sometimes do. The cousin pointed to a silver trophy he was all proud his dad had won and began a "my dad is so awesomely strong" monologue.

My kid, waited patiently until his cousin had finished and quipped, yeah my dad has one just like it, except his trophy is gold.
The cousin wasn't aware that his dad had finished second to me at that very same meet. That was a long time ago, haven't really lifted in years.

Mostly move firewood these days, but I can still manage a few one handed pushups if the young whippersnappers need a lesson and crank out a 100 rep set with two hands if any one is foolish enough to bet this old man can't do it.
Your fitness is impressive, good job maintaining that level. I think the running would kill me.

I was a competitive power lifter a long time ago, trained with a brother-in-law, a decent guy and a natural powerhouse. We both usually competed in the same weight class. Years later one of my boys was hanging out with his cousin (my brother in laws son) at their basement gym messing around with weights as teen agers sometimes do. The cousin pointed to a silver trophy he was all proud his dad had won and began a "my dad is so awesomely strong" monologue.

My kid, waited patiently until his cousin had finished and quipped, yeah my dad has one just like it, except his trophy is gold.
The cousin wasn't aware that his dad had finished second to me at that very same meet. That was a long time ago, haven't really lifted in years.

Mostly move firewood these days, but I can still manage a few one handed pushups if the young whippersnappers need a lesson and crank out a 100 rep set with two hands if any one is foolish enough to bet this old man can't do it.
I won Ky AAU powerlifting championship at 148lbs in 1985. My total was 1163lbs.... Training partner was Rick Cornet who held the world record in the 242lbs class in USPF in the Squat. He squatted 744lbs in 1984. He also went on to Squat 870.8 in 1991. He was professional, and we worked out at the local YMCA. He was my trainer.
He didnt cotton to running though, and I like running as much, or more than lifting. I used do Ultra Marathons. 50 milers. Ive found many runners dont like to lift, and lifters dont like to run. Lifters think theyre going to lose all their muscles. But all to good Olympic runners lift weights, and many are very very strong. Especially for their weight. I always train to be strong for my weight, and wasnt interested in being really heavy. I train for function... I can carry 175lbs, but keep my weight to 150lbs, or less. When I ran the Columbus Marathon in 82 I weighed 129lbs, and ran a 2:38 and change. I can still do 25 Thumbs Only Pushups. Bruce Lee could do 50 1 Arm, 1 Thumb Pushups. I also still can run a sub 6 minute mile.
I also still smoke weed, but havent smoked in 3 months. And I dont smoke alot anymore. Dont drink at all.

Rick also trained Oran Smith.

Team Supremacy Member, ORAN SMITH (200) sets 2012 SPF Raw National Bench Press Record in the 220 lb with a lift of 455 lbs. Oran claims top honors in this division at the SLP Kentucky State Championships in the Powerlifting portion of the Kentucky Muscle. He is a young rising star in the NASA's Power Sports Division; look for many more bright moments in this young man's powerlifting future.

Oran now competes at 275lbs. Rick also trains Oran. Oran has totaled 2105lbs at 275lbs

My main exercise is pushing a 1966 Buick Electra 225 around the block for fun. Been doing it sine the 80s. Best ab exercise there is.

I won Ky AAU powerlifting championship at 148lbs in 1985. My total was 1163lbs.... Training partner was Rick Cornet who held the world record in the 242lbs class in USPF in the Squat. He squatted 744lbs in 1984. He also went on to Squat 870.8 in 1991. He was professional, and we worked out at the local YMCA. He was my trainer.
He didnt cotton to running though, and I like running as much, or more than lifting. I used do Ultra Marathons. 50 milers. Ive found many runners dont like to lift, and lifters dont like to run. Lifters think theyre going to lose all their muscles. But all to good Olympic runners lift weights, and many are very very strong. Especially for their weight. I always train to be strong for my weight, and wasnt interested in being really heavy. I train for function... I can carry 175lbs, but keep my weight to 150lbs, or less. When I ran the Columbus Marathon in 82 I weighed 129lbs, and ran a 2:38 and change. I can still do 25 Thumbs Only Pushups. Bruce Lee could do 50 1 Arm, 1 Thumb Pushups. I also still can run a sub 6 minute mile.
I also still smoke weed, but havent smoked in 3 months. And I dont smoke alot anymore. Dont drink at all.

Rick also trained Oran Smith.

Team Supremacy Member, ORAN SMITH (200) sets 2012 SPF Raw National Bench Press Record in the 220 lb with a lift of 455 lbs. Oran claims top honors in this division at the SLP Kentucky State Championships in the Powerlifting portion of the Kentucky Muscle. He is a young rising star in the NASA's Power Sports Division; look for many more bright moments in this young man's powerlifting future.

Oran now competes at 275lbs. Rick also trains Oran. Oran has totaled 2105lbs at 275lbs

My main exercise is pushing a 1966 Buick Electra 225 around the block for fun. Been doing it sine the 80s. Best ab exercise there is.

Buicks are bush league. A 1974 Plymouth Grand Fury, now that is a respectable workout.

My resting pulse at 61 years old is 39 BPM,
I won Ky AAU powerlifting championship at 148lbs in 1985. My total was 1163lbs.... Training partner was Rick Cornet who held the world record in the 242lbs class in USPF in the Squat. He squatted 744lbs in 1984. He also went on to Squat 870.8 in 1991. He was professional, and we worked out at the local YMCA. He was my trainer.
He didnt cotton to running though, and I like running as much, or more than lifting. I used do Ultra Marathons. 50 milers. Ive found many runners dont like to lift, and lifters dont like to run. Lifters think theyre going to lose all their muscles. But all to good Olympic runners lift weights, and many are very very strong. Especially for their weight. I always train to be strong for my weight, and wasnt interested in being really heavy. I train for function... I can carry 175lbs, but keep my weight to 150lbs, or less. When I ran the Columbus Marathon in 82 I weighed 129lbs, and ran a 2:38 and change.

If its already at almost 60,000, and no vaccine for a year-18 months, or more. Maybe never, I dont think things look good. Its going to come roaring back this fall, especially when businesses reopen, school starts, they start allowing Nursing Home, and Hospital visits.

Oxford University does think they may have a vaccine ready by September. Hopefully they will. Id be first in lie if its effective.
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To say one segment of the population have fucked the world is shortsighted, and stereotyping.

Humans in general have done damage to the earth.

If one wants to generalize, blame Reagan, and the Republicans for the beginning of the end.

They are responsible for Trickle down Economics. Letting corporations pollute us to death by deregulation of EPA.