Aussie Growers Thread

Attack and being bored stirring shit are 2 different things
If I attacked I'd do it to everyone
If I'm stirring shit I'd to it to the ones I'll know I'll get a bite out of
You havnt worked it out yet have you
And pollywaffle said you narced on him he's banned
He didn't say anything 1/2 as bad as JZS, so sad. Venus did say reported to him...
Old blue waffle was a good luagh yesterday, im guessin he has been around here for awhile was just using a different account im sure if i spent the time going threw the threads i woulda worked out who he was.
If ya gunna give it out ya gotta take wats comin your way. Fuck that laggin shit off...
yea, he's a funny fkr.
Attack and being bored stirring shit are 2 different things
If I attacked I'd do it to everyone
If I'm stirring shit I'd to it to the ones I'll know I'll get a bite out of
You havnt worked it out yet have you
And pollywaffle said you narced on him he's banned

What did use say last time i got banned.

Oh yeah he got himself banned.
Cool story......
...just too cool for school
Last time u got banned...I said I'm gonna be bored now
But ur a banned member. You WANTED to be banned from this shithole remember?
So why are you back? And if it was to get in touch with contacts u needed then why are u back posting in the aussie thread stirring shit the same way that led you to be banned in the first place?
Whenever an argument doesn’t go your way u always say “I’m outta here was nice to meet yas” bla bla bla then come back the next day?

It’s weird as fuck. Your behaviour is weird as fuck.

Stir shit elsewhere, in another thread, on another forum, who cares. But stop starting fires in here ffs.