Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
anyone use this stuff before, seen it on a canacribs video sposed to be ok



Well-Known Member
Im a little disapointed in that. I was expecting the actual lights being roasted
When people ask what’s good about mars hydro, their bbq ability is top of the list, cids evidence ;) that and this video came out right about the time mars had a bunch of their eBay blurple lights catch fire in peoples grows so people would say you could literally cook on the lights.
When people ask what’s good about mars hydro, their bbq ability is top of the list, cids evidence ;) that and this video came out right about the time mars had a bunch of their eBay blurple lights catch fire in peoples grows so people would say you could literally cook on the lights.
Fuck hope my blurple doesn't catch on fire