male extraction


Anybody have ideas on how to remove one male plant from a 4 plant DWC tank? 3 female plants. Was thinking trim back and cut off all balls as they appear? keep it cut back but alive? Or just cut and run pulling as many roots out as I can and hoping for the best? Back left is the male000_0749.JPG
It's gotta come out. Or cut it way down low and keep just a small branch to stay alive so your roots don't rot. But I'd think at that size you can remove it all.
Cut the stalk, remove the plant and THEN attempt to untangle/cut out roots so that you can remove the net.
Perfect example of why I don't like multiple plants in a single tote.
cut the plant off at the pot, then pull it up and cut the lowest point on the roots of that plant you can find.
Ive separated bigger plants in a 4 plant single tote.
cut the plant off at the pot, then pull it up and cut the lowest point on the roots of that plant you can find.
Ive separated bigger plants in a 4 plant single tote.
That's what I'm saying. The size that these are shouldn't even pose an issue to remove one. I can't even believe you can determine sex already, if I'm being honest.
most people are scared of hurting their plants by playing in the roots.
I just prop the lid up so I can get in there with both hands and just start pulling on stuff until either they come apart or break enough lol.
No experience with this type of hydro but, you should be able to safely remove him.
And it does look like a boy :(