Boomers have ruined the planet

It doesn’t matter. Nobody will be able to land ships to attack us we would bomb them first. You got a better idea?
Doode, I'm 72. I'm not sure if you are just a trolling putz, but I agree with your premise, your solutions need a bit of work though. I got my head caved in a couple of times trying do something about our little Viet Nam conflict, and that was after I'd been conscripted. Have you stood up for anything?

More to the point, is what are you going to do with this thought of yours? Are you doing anything besides moaning on a pot site where most think you're a whinging twit?

You also might want to thank a boomer or two for the acceptance of that bong residue you take for granted.
It doesn’t matter. Nobody will be able to land ships to attack us we would bomb them first. You got a better idea?

How!?! You've disbanded the military!

The future is in the hands of those who see only what's directly in front of them (their phones).

Besides, if you think the future of war will require the use of ships, you must not have grasped the whole technology thing.

This is the information age, where all that is needed to cripple a country or its economy is a computer, not the biggest guns.
Just think, Donald's support among seniors is dropping like a stone, go figure! I guess death gets yer attention, so does missing your kids and grand kids. Those statistics will look quite different among seniors in 2020...
I don't think the lockdowns are hurting him politically though. I think he is actually gaining support over it.

OP might have a point.
Stelter: As the US death toll rises, here's what Trump tweets

CNN's Brian Stelter examines life during the coronavirus pandemic and how people in positions of power are handling it.
I don't think the lockdowns are hurting him politically though. I think he is actually gaining support over it.

OP might have a point.
The wise stay away from making sweeping generalisations the OP's is so general so as to be pointless, the OP hates his mommy and daddy! :-D
I would probably hate his mommy and daddy too.
Here's a little project for ya. Find a mathematical model that ya can play with the parameters a bit with and calculate how many days until America goes moo, herd immunity at 70%. I figure with domestic travel cheap as beans, the planes full and the haphazard nature of the reopening and testing, it will end up being a real shit show. All the models are predicated on doing everything right, but the red states won't, so you can figure out the deaths too, all ya gotta do is plug in the variables and run the algorithm. How many dead by election day? How far along will America be to moo day on election day? America has no coherent plan it has Trump and Clorox...
Here's a little project for ya. Find a mathematical model that ya can play with the parameters a bit with and calculate how many days until America goes moo, herd immunity at 70%. I figure with domestic travel cheap as beans, the planes full and the haphazard nature of the reopening and testing, it will end up being a real shit show. All the models are predicated on doing everything right, but the red states won't, so you can figure out the deaths too, all ya gotta do is plug in the variables and run the algorithm. How many dead by election day? How far along will America be to moo day on election day? America has no coherent plan it has Trump and Clorox...
The NIH study is coming. If you go off the German study of detection rates and the slowest estimated doubling time, we're about a month away from 70% but John's Hopkins considers 60% to be the threshhold at which the R0 takes a significant reduction.

Trump is ‘tormented’ by how the COVID-19 pandemic is crushing his poll numbers: CNN’s John Harwood

President Donald Trump’s behavior has grown even more erratic in recent days, highlighted by bizarre tweets about journalists who won “Noble” Prizes and angry attacks against Fox News.

CNN’s John Berman on Monday asked reporter John Harwood for his take on why Trump has been lashing out seemingly at random, and Harwood said the president is simply at a loss about what else to do.

“What’s going on is you have a president tormented by how bad this is going,” Harwood said. “Remember, he is stuck on the idea that, just a couple of months ago, he was running for re-election with this robust economy. All that has been blown out of the water. You’ve got a public health catastrophe, an economic catastrophe, and look what happened to his poll numbers over the last couple of months.”

Harwood then pointed to swing-state polls showing Trump losing to former Vice President Joe Biden, and he said that Trump has only hurt himself more with his unhinged musings about being able to cure the disease by getting an injection of disinfectant.
The NIH study is coming. If you go off the German study of detection rates and the slowest estimated doubling time, we're about a month away from 70% but John's Hopkins considers 60% to be the threshhold at which the R0 takes a significant reduction.
So your saying M day (Moo for herd immunity, say 70%) by June 1st 2020. What would the mortality be at .5% by that date? I believe convalescent plasma is already having an impact on mortality rates, but we will assume it won't have any. That would be .5% of 250 million say...
I don't think the lockdowns are hurting him politically though. I think he is actually gaining support over it.

OP might have a point.

Nothing like creating all sorts of infighting amongst the states as they compete for medical supplies just so you don't have to get your nose dirty and risk votes in the fall...Medical policy needs national leadership!

Trump's as low as a person can go...perhaps he can do us all a favour and inject himself with those cleaning supplies he was talking about.
So your saying M day (Moo for herd immunity, say 70%) by June 1st 2020. What would the mortality be at .5% by that date? I believe convalescent plasma is already having an impact on mortality rates, but we will assume it won't have any. That would be .5% of 250 million say...
You make too many assumptions. I have always been opposed to making predictions. It seems you want to make a byte of me predicting something.

You have herd immunity wrong, you have mortality rate wrong and I just disagree in general with your approach. I would rather take an existing model from a peer-reviewed study and apply it to verified stats. I will not take part in your projection.

Nothing like creating all sorts of infighting amongst the states as they compete for medical supplies just so you don't have to get your nose dirty and risk votes in the fall...Medical policy needs national leadership!

Trump's as low as a person can go...perhaps he can do us all a favour and inject himself with those cleaning supplies he was talking about.
You say it as though I'd disagree or defend him. I have been hoping that most of the political establishment dies horrible deaths. However, I am just pointing at what I see. His base has become more fervent and is probably growing. Also, a lot of people actually do see that China is a huge threat. You mentioned medical supplies. China imported over 2 billion masks and millions of ventilators while they were denying human to human transmission was occuring. Then they nationalized 3M. Even Biden is trying to portray himself as tough on China. I actually think he could be better against China than Trump is, just because he was in the room with Obama when they had their "Pivot to Asia" and the TPP strategies forming. With that said, I think Trump is collecting the elderly foolish bloc and taking some of the Bernout crowd as well. I don't think the lockdowns are hurting Trump. I think they're helping him.