Boomers have ruined the planet

Trump is a fascist nazi dictator. He’s trash, but so is the other guy with dementia. They are one big club. We need a revolution
Do you mean violence? You have to be very mindful of what you say. Words are easy, a violent revolution would be catastrophic.
Bernie works well with others if they aren’t establishment sellouts. Why do you think he’s only worth 1.7 mill and Nancy pelosi is worth 200 million? He doesn’t like the sellouts. Socialism is good. Democratic socialism is better. Do you think we can be like Canada or Norway with biden? No we cannot

He most certainly is on record of supporting some of the most brutal dictators currently in office.

Bernie Sanders says he has opposed authoritarians. For years, he often focused on positive elements of their governments.

over the past three decades reveals how Sanders has often been quick to downplay abuses of authoritarian regimes, instead focusing on aspects and programs he admired. During his two presidential bids, Sanders has at times appeared to contradict or try to explain away his earlier views on authoritarian regimes

In Cold War travels, Bernie Sanders found much to admire behind enemy lines. Now that’s a problem for his campaign.

The country’s Soviet-backed government — forged via armed rebellion — was cutting infant mortality, reducing illiteracy and redistributing land to peasant farmers. Its Sandinista leaders, branded terrorists by the U.S. government, impressed him with “their intelligence and their sincerity.”
Three years later, Bernie Sanders was fresh off the plane from Moscow, reveling in the beauty of the land and the contentedness of the people.
And a year after that, he returned from Cuba having tapped into a revolutionary spirit “far deeper and more profound than I understood it to be.”

With Sanders now surging to the top of the Democratic presidential field, those three-decade-old impressions introduced a volatile new element in the race Monday as rivals reacted to Sanders’s decision to defend his remarks, not disclaim them.

So, yeah, Bernie has shown that he prefers authoritarian rule because it makes implementing socialist programs easier. But really, the reason I didn't want to have Bernie for prez is because he's not good at working with others and because of that, he can't get anything done.
I take full responsibility and am an essential worker 30 hours a week. What we were born into was systematic economic depression, nepotism, and racist corruption
Then work for change. That takes more than voting. Nothing worth while comes easily.
Bernie works well with others if they aren’t establishment sellouts. Why do you think he’s only worth 1.7 mill and Nancy pelosi is worth 200 million? He doesn’t like the sellouts. Socialism is good. Democratic socialism is better. Do you think we can be like Canada or Norway with biden? No we cannot
He doesn't work well with anybody. Hasn't gotten anything done in 12 years as Senator. I get that you like Trump and want more of is ineptitude but that's not really a good thing.
Politicians and their corporate owners rawdogged this country, not the working people of a certain age. And Bernie is a conman that has taken advantage of the weak minded to believe he is some sort of savior, just like tRUmp.
Trump is a fascist nazi dictator. He’s trash, but so is the other guy with dementia. They are one big club. We need a revolution

So you dont like anyone?

You sound like those idealistic young shits who hasnt the foggiest the way the world works..Hell, you're like those 20 somethings all over Canada who run for government and get into office...voted in by other clueless people looking for handouts..

They all know how to spend it and where the money should be allocated..but NONE have any idea of how those $'s are generated by business and tax revenues..

Hell, here in Alberta the NDP finance minister had a Master's in Social Work!? Wtf....thus government had to hire a whole bunch of consultants..spending extra money..cuz none of those voted in knew how to do the job.

You strike me as the type good Ol' George Thorogood was singin' about..."Get a hair cut and get a real job!" or are these protests originating in your parents basement as you plot your revolution?
I take full responsibility and am an essential worker 30 hours a week. What we were born into was systematic economic depression, nepotism, and racist corruption

30 hours a week?

wow..part time compared to virtually everyone else I know...You have to rely on others for handouts as your obviously to lazy to serve normal hours..

This will be lost on you ...but...get a pet bear and head out to the wilderness :)
No what I’m tired of is the establishment pretending they are for the people when they are not. Not the millennial. Do you know out of all of my friends my age only one had stocks? How can you measure an economy? By the fake stock market? When 2/3 of Americans live paycheck to paycheck? That stocked market is for the rich 10% and they shit on the rest of us. Lobbyists waving dollars and old people selling out. We need a political revolution. A big one... not this half step mambo Jambo conjecture kicking the can down the street with a crooked smile and then saying fuck the little guys.

My generation has had it so much worse because we have war 20 years and recession after ression and the good ole corruption boys just smoke cigars on golf courses and laugh. We need AOC we need Bernie... we do not need half step now it’s telling us not to vote for a revolutionary candidate


So you dont like anyone?

You sound like those idealistic young shits who hasnt the foggiest the way the world works..Hell, you're like those 20 somethings all over Canada who run for government and get into office...voted in by other clueless people looking for handouts..

They all know how to spend it and where the money should be allocated..but NONE have any idea of how those $'s are generated by business and tax revenues..

Hell, here in Alberta the NDP finance minister had a Master's in Social Work!? Wtf....thus government had to hire a whole bunch of consultants..spending extra money..cuz none of those voted in knew how to do the job.

You strike me as the type good Ol' George Thorogood was singin' about..."Get a hair cut and get a real job!" or are these protests originating in your parents basement as you plot your revolution?
I take full responsibility and am an essential worker 30 hours a week. What we were born into was systematic economic depression, nepotism, and racist corruption
Hey @Heavysmoker86

Dude, you're following along with the globalists plan for divide within America, you're falling for the Soviet Ideological Subversion almost perfectly, here we've been at war for almost 80 years and you're here pointing fingers at perfect strangers because of war like maneuvers that have been placed in front of you, you're trapped in the illusion that blaming others somehow is a worthy endeavour to start a discussion over.... they have you and others who accept the lies you are being given, right where they want you, think about that irony for a moment, you are exactly where they planned prior to your birth, to have you thinking along these same exact lines of ideology, you're reflecting the exact mirrored image that they've been hoping you would one day reflect, and you've embraced this as your "own" as if some accomplishment on your side has been made, take a step back and think about the irony of these facts about yourself and your life, but at least have trust that nothing about the generational gap will lead you towards higher understanding or truth, blame yourself first, the lies you are being fed are taking you nowhere, anger and fear create a barrier in your brain to keep you from thinking critically and more intelligently, in essence you are blocking your amygdala from proper functioning, learn for yourself that blaming others is a bottomless pit of injustice towards gaining your own self deserved higher comprehension of the occurrences that are happening around you, but be aware your current path of projection for yourself is leading you nowhere fast. Gen Y here.

Ok well actually I agree a lot with that. Ty

Hey @Heavysmoker86

Dude, you're following along with the globalists plan for divide within America, you're falling for the Soviet Ideological Subversion almost perfectly, here we've been at war for almost 80 years and you're here pointing fingers at perfect strangers because of war like maneuvers that have been placed in front of you, you're trapped in the illusion that blaming others somehow is a worthy endeavour to start a discussion over.... they have you and others who accept the lies you are being given, right where they want you, think about that irony for a moment, you are exactly where they planned prior to your birth, to have you thinking along these same exact lines of ideology, you're reflecting the exact mirrored image that they've been hoping you would one day reflect, and you've embraced this as your "own" as if some accomplishment on your side has been made, take a step back and think about the irony of these facts about yourself and your life, but at least have trust that nothing about the generational gap will lead you towards higher understanding or truth, blame yourself first, the lies you are being fed are taking you nowhere, anger and fear create a barrier in your brain to keep you from thinking critically and more intelligently, in essence you are blocking your amygdala from proper functioning, learn for yourself that blaming others is a bottomless pit of injustice towards gaining your own self deserved higher comprehension of the occurrences that are happening around you, but be aware your current path of projection for yourself is leading you nowhere fast. Gen Y here.
