Bernie Bro’s only

Are you rich or something? Biden is establishment just like trump

Not a boomer. I really am looking forward to her career, I will give her about 20 years or so, she would be around 46?, to see how she votes and responds in some very tough situations before I would be comfortable voting for her. She is very impressive so far though.

So are you going to address what was in the Mueller report that you know of, or bring up freshmen congresswomen that the trolls for Trump want amplified so that they can use them later to scare men afraid of highly educated young women of color?
Are you rich or something? Biden is establishment just like trump
I am not rich by a mile.

Biden is middle of the road, and his entire career he was middle class. How is that even close to 'establishment'? His voting has always been strongly Democratic. If you are looking for all those corrupt fat cat Democrats, you would not find them being VP for Obama. Biden was picked because he was clean as a whistle.

Everything that is being pushed against Biden has been proven, or at least has a too much evidence of being manufactured by the Russians/Foreign/Religious Cults/Domestic trolls trying to get Trump re-eelected.
You are coming off very 'paid troll'. And the majority of paid trolls pushing as relentlessly as you have been while offering so little generally are not in America. He is basically calling you out as not being from 'these harr parts' and politely asking you to convince him otherwise.

I’m from Iowa
People need to earn a living in Iowa too, it is understandable. It doesn't make what you're saying any more true or less which side of which ocean it comes from!

well I’m not so stupid not to vote for him if it comes down to it but I will complain all the way to the polls. I hope biden gets elected and has to step down for medical reasons for Michelle Obama
well I’m not so stupid not to vote for him if it comes down to it but I will complain all the way to the polls. I hope biden gets elected and has to step down for medical reasons for Michelle Obama
You play the cards you're dealt. We didn't make the rules and this is the only game we have. I seriously doubt Mrs. Obama has any desire to go back to Washington.