Boomers have ruined the planet

you establishment figures (pro biden) are total warhawks. no Wonder you would make such an idiotic comment.
When Sanders does anything, he's out front in support for brutal dictators.

What's his thing with them? Ortega, Maduro, Putin, he loves them all.
No he does not. He is non interventiinalist. Some have said the cia messed up Central America and Veneziala

When Sanders does anything, he's out front in support for brutal dictators.

What's his thing with them? Ortega, Maduro, Putin, he loves them all.
No he does not. He is non interventiinalist. Some have said the cia messed up Central America and Veneziala
Seriously, I hear you. I have voted for only one winner since '72, Jimmy Carter. The rest have been 3rd party candidates, just for my principles, or losing Democrats. Voting Republican is not an option for me. Don't waste your vote.
you establishment figures (pro biden) are total warhawks. no Wonder you would make such an idiotic comment.
Not hard to tell you're a Trump person too with that attitude!! Absolutely, no accountability...blame everyone else..hell ..with your qualifications you too could probably become one of his senior advisors ..Is that you Ivanka?
Trump is a fascist nazi dictator. He’s trash, but so is the other guy with dementia. They are one big club. We need a revolution

Not hard to tell you're a Trump person too with that attitude!! Absolutely, no accountability...blame everyone else..hell ..with your qualifications you too could probably become one of his senior advisors ..Is that you Ivanka?
No he does not. He is non interventiinalist. Some have said the cia messed up Central America and Veneziala
He most certainly is on record of supporting some of the most brutal dictators currently in office.

Bernie Sanders says he has opposed authoritarians. For years, he often focused on positive elements of their governments.

over the past three decades reveals how Sanders has often been quick to downplay abuses of authoritarian regimes, instead focusing on aspects and programs he admired. During his two presidential bids, Sanders has at times appeared to contradict or try to explain away his earlier views on authoritarian regimes

In Cold War travels, Bernie Sanders found much to admire behind enemy lines. Now that’s a problem for his campaign.

The country’s Soviet-backed government — forged via armed rebellion — was cutting infant mortality, reducing illiteracy and redistributing land to peasant farmers. Its Sandinista leaders, branded terrorists by the U.S. government, impressed him with “their intelligence and their sincerity.”
Three years later, Bernie Sanders was fresh off the plane from Moscow, reveling in the beauty of the land and the contentedness of the people.
And a year after that, he returned from Cuba having tapped into a revolutionary spirit “far deeper and more profound than I understood it to be.”

With Sanders now surging to the top of the Democratic presidential field, those three-decade-old impressions introduced a volatile new element in the race Monday as rivals reacted to Sanders’s decision to defend his remarks, not disclaim them.

So, yeah, Bernie has shown that he prefers authoritarian rule because it makes implementing socialist programs easier. But really, the reason I didn't want to have Bernie for prez is because he's not good at working with others and because of that, he can't get anything done.