Trump will kill us all

I just call those nightly events Donald's shit show. After watching the TV coverage of his own latest light & lysol fiasco he must realise what an utter fool he made of himself? He made a bigger one when he tried to walk it back and told people not to believe what they saw and heard. Obama had the audacity of hope, this guy has the audacity of the hopeless heartless bullshitter. He was given plenty of rope to hang himself and after falling that far the noose should have popped his head off with a jerk and collapsed the gallows too.
Hayes: Instead Of Plan, WH Gives Us Pathological, Narcissistic Propaganda Show | All In | MSNBC
40% of American voters will vote for Donald Trump and will fight tooth and nail to make sure this bullshit continues until he dies. You will soon see them here carrying Donald's bleach, tell them to drink it! Or better yet go to a Trump protest or rally, no mask required, just take sips of bleach every now and again, swish it around and gargle, the president says it will protect you.
Brinkley: Nothing Else Like Trump's 'Cavernous Stupidity' In U.S. History | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Historian and presidential biographer Douglas Brinkley and Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post react to the wild speculation we have seen from the president amid his response to the coronavirus pandemic. Aired on 4/24/2020.
I thought the Pres. Library was gonna be an adult book store.
There will be no books in the Trump memorial, just stone TVs playing all his greatest lies, tens of thousands of them, it will be surrounded by square miles of gravestones space 6 feet apart. Even though the people are buried or cremated somewhere else, the markers will be there, how many tens or hundreds of thousands of tombstones will be required? How many of Trump's confiscated golf courses would it take?

When did the number of dead coronavirus victims exceed the "official" number of lies that Trump has told?
He should have around 20,000 whoppers by the time he has 60,000 deaths, so right now the ratio is 1:3. Lies however are an investment in the future and the deaths springing from them will grow, like compound interest does for money. One lie will buy more bodies in the future so expect the ratio of deaths to lies to increase. Right now body bags are 3 for a buck, soon they will be selling for a quarter and then a dime.
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"I love the poorly educated" "There's no better word than 'stupid', right." "What do you have to lose? Take it." -Individual 1
His dementia will be hidden from view as best it can be.. They'll let him rave on to his base about how unfairly he has been treated.. If he gets reelected, Pence can move on him, seize his religious base.. Trump would be ripe for a 25th Amendment coup. Everybody moves up a step.. We'd still be fucked with someone who thinks he's doing Gods work.. What a fucking hypocrite.. With Trump at least you know he working for his on ends, as much as he and family can legally steal.. It would be a win/win for the republickins.. Lock him up in a nut house, no one could prosecute him there... He could rave on from there till he dies. Their out is, he's a sick man..
Trumps Cure is to shoot a nuke and stand in the fallout to cure this virus.

I would venture to say, His followers will believe everything he says.

Sale on UV light and Bleach Products for that 30% that just don't get it..

Vote Republican's OUT !!! Smarten up it's not to late.
Trumps Cure is to shoot a nuke and stand in the fallout to cure this virus.

I would venture to say, His followers will believe everything he says.

Sale on UV light and Bleach Products for that 30% that just don't get it..

Vote Republican's OUT !!! Smarten up it's not to late.
Be sure it's UVC light, that's the good stuff, accept no substitutes y'all.