Stinky Water

You really shouldnt have any buildup on the sides within a week imo. Algae can start growing within days.
Would be interested to see your setup, might have a bit of a glowing problem somewhere. Some plastics and certain sizes of PVC arent totally light proof and will glow on the inside. Stuff like orange home depot and blue lowes buckets are good examples. Even the darker blue lowes buckets arent totally light proof.
Here is the picture; water seems fine right now cuz I changed it few hours ago.

You aren't adding anything like pool shock or H2O2 with the Orca are you? lol
No just flora trio and the orca. nothing else. I just checked my air pump again. I thought it was 600L/H but turns out it's 60L/H could this be the problem?


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I thought it was 600L/H but turns out it's 60L/H could this be the problem?
Looks like you got a pretty good "rolling boil" going. I doubt that's the issue.

If the undesirable condition returns then you can clean the system and try running sterile with pool shock instead of running with bennies.

I can't see any roots and the lighting wouldn't let me see it anyway but are they white and happy? Basically is there any stink coming off the pot?
Bacterial blooms can quickly change pH, although it tends to go down and not up. Have you tested your source water?
I did I don't think water is the problem here but I'll try RO next time. It's been 14 hours since I changed the water. Now it started to smell again and I can see the foams. pH went up to 7.1 from 5.4 maybe I should just switch to sterile.
I did I don't think water is the problem here but I'll try RO next time. It's been 14 hours since I changed the water. Now it started to smell again and I can see the foams. pH went up to 7.1 from 5.4 maybe I should just switch to sterile.

Just let it sit before you add. 1 small change at a time. Or like you say just go sterile.
If anyone experiencing the same problem here is how I solved my problem:
So I found out that yellow-ish foams caused by hydroton. I rinsed them well before I use em but it seems that wasn't enough. Since there is no root development I was able to remove the hydrotons. I cleaned, rinsed them again. literally washed them out 500 times also soaked them in 5.5 phD water for 24 hours. And then I changed my air pump got a stronger one and put it OUTSIDE the tent. it was inside before. Also changed my air pipes with black air pipes. Now there is no smell, no foams, no cloudy water everything seems perfect although my ph is still rising. to figure it out ph rises I got another tank, I run them with the same nutes but I didn't put any plant in it. ph was still rising, I noticed something water level was going down slowly even tho there are no plants in it. and then I found out when water evaporates ph rises. I believe when roots are developed completely there will be no problem.
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What are your temps looking like? If you can't keep your water below around 72, you'll develop root problems. The only time I flush during my grow is if my water starts to smell funky. If I maintain 68 degrees, it doesn't happen. About a day in warmer water will start to smell.