Trump will kill us all

I thought it was Obama that left him a bad test for a virus that did not exist in the human population yet? And left the cupboards bare after warning him that this was “inevitable!!” that’s a big word, maybe the stable genius should look it up!
Feels like Bizaro land, just waiting for him to Bring Kramer pup at one of his “Press Conference Rally’s. He’s more worried about his ratings when he saw Pense getting the spotlight daily....3days and he flipped on that, bit can still blame Mike as the fall guy.
I thought it was Obama that left him a bad test for a virus that did not exist in the human population yet? And left the cupboards bare after warning him that this was “inevitable!!” that’s a big word, maybe the stable genius should look it up!
Feels like Bizaro land, just waiting for him to Bring Kramer pup at one of his “Press Conference Rally’s. He’s more worried about his ratings when he saw Pense getting the spotlight daily....3days and he flipped on that, bit can still blame Mike as the fall guy.

He says Obama left the cupboards bare, but nobody ever focuses on the fact that Trump had three full years to re-stock the "bare cupboards" before this outbreak occurred.
I thought it was Obama that left him a bad test for a virus that did not exist in the human population yet? And left the cupboards bare after warning him that this was “inevitable!!” that’s a big word, maybe the stable genius should look it up!
Feels like Bizaro land, just waiting for him to Bring Kramer pup at one of his “Press Conference Rally’s. He’s more worried about his ratings when he saw Pense getting the spotlight daily....3days and he flipped on that, bit can still blame Mike as the fall guy.
He even had the 'My Pillow Guy' give him a shout out in full Dear Leader fashion.

I'm in the UK currently and sorry to disappoint you but I have no intention of locking down in my basement.

USA is the laughing stock of the world simply because you have a BS President and he is only there because he was voted there because of all his idiot supporters. They voted for this "one person" and he rules your land with his delusion, nonsense and self bleating BS!

Nothing has changed for basements, no maga hats and no netflix. Just the lovely English countryside on this pleasant summer day and great homegrown in plentiful supply.

The world will be fine except for some stupid deluded yankee who likes to hear his own voice so much and has no idea what it will produce until it open!

Disinfectant anyone to go with your spliffs?
People didn't necessarily vote for trump so much as they exercised their hatred and dislike for hilary. Clinton was simply unlikable, and a lot of folks checked the "anybody but her" box. Trump also embraces racism and bigotry which is a great strategy. The hate mongers always show up on election day. People like me just boycotted the election. I'll give democracy a chance again this fall. Everyone got fucked on the last one, because we had no good candidates to choose from.
People didn't necessarily vote for trump so much as they exercised their hatred and dislike for hilary. Clinton was simply unlikable, and a lot of folks checked the "anybody but her" box. Trump also embraces racism and bigotry which is a great strategy. The hate mongers always show up on election day. People like me just boycotted the election. I'll give democracy a chance again this fall. Everyone got fucked on the last one, because we had no good candidates to choose from.
Pelosi: Trump's Disinfectant Comments 'Had No Relationship To Science' | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss President Trump's suggestion that disinfectants could be explored as a coronavirus treatment, saying that the comments were "consistent with all of his other statements, which had no relationship to science, fact, evidence, data or appropriate way to proceed." She also discusses the latest in congressional negotiations over state and local aid, funding for the post office, and vote by mail. Aired on 4/24/2020.
People didn't necessarily vote for trump so much as they exercised their hatred and dislike for hilary. Clinton was simply unlikable, and a lot of folks checked the "anybody but her" box. Trump also embraces racism and bigotry which is a great strategy. The hate mongers always show up on election day. People like me just boycotted the election. I'll give democracy a chance again this fall. Everyone got fucked on the last one, because we had no good candidates to choose from.
It sucks how effective fact was/is that the Republicans have been trolling her since the 90's and the Russians used that to push out enough nonsense about her to make it seem a lot worse than it ever was. It is a bummer, and why it is so important this upcoming election to vote.
What about the fact the cdc sent the first wave of tests out contaminated with the virus? Lmao
Yep, Trump's administration sure did fuck up on that. I'd be more interested in finding out what they got right. It's time to get those "God Fearing" Republicans out of office.
Anyone who voted for tRUmp vs Clinton because they didnt like Clinton, could have voted for
Evan McMullan or written in Micky Mouse.
Anyone who voted for tRUmp vs Clinton because they didnt like Clinton, could have voted for
Evan McMullan or written in Micky Mouse.
Mickey mouse is an anti semitic racist prick. In college he use to walk around grabbing women by the pussy. We can't have someone like that in office sir.
Just like I said. It works both ways. All kinds of people in USA have died at home, and nursing homes, and were not tested. Many were showing Covid 19 symptoms.

Going by people tested, and those that have died worldwide.

Death Rate is 6.9%

More than 2,200 coronavirus deaths in nursing homes, but federal government isn't tracking them

As COVID-19 afflicts thousands in nursing homes, officials are pushed to disclose details

The numbers are likely a significant undercount, given the limited access to testing and other constraints, state officials and public health experts say.

Nearly 2,500 long-term care facilities in 36 states are battling coronavirus cases, according to data gathered by NBC News from state agencies, an explosive increase of 522 percent compared to a federal tally just 10 days ago.

The total dwarfs the last federal estimate on March 30 — based on “informal outreach” to state health departments — that more than 400 nursing homes had at least one case of the virus.

The full scale of the virus’ impact is even greater than NBC News’ tally, as key states including Florida did not provide data, and nursing homes across the United States are still struggling for access to testing.

The toll of these outbreaks is growing. NBC News tallied 2,246 deaths associated with long-term care facilities, based on responses from 24 states. This, too, is an undercount; about half of all states said they could not provide data on nursing home deaths, or declined to do so. Some states said they do not track these deaths at all.

Nursing home residents are among those most likely to die from the coronavirus, given their advanced age and the prevalence of other health conditions. But the federal government does not keep a formal tally of the number of coronavirus deaths in nursing homes or the number of facilities with infections, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Experts say more comprehensive data is critical to battling the virus and understanding why it is spreading faster in some nursing homes than others.

“It’s impossible to fight and contain this virus if we don’t know where it’s located,” said David Grabowski, a professor of health care policy at Harvard Medical School, who added that more information-gathering and transparency could help protect against future outbreaks. “You could see where it could be headed next,” he said.

Hundreds of UK care home deaths not added to official coronavirus toll

Exclusive: Industry body estimates up to 1,000 people may have died in care homes so far

Care industry leaders and the Alzheimer’s Society say they believe the virus is now active in around half of care settings, which look after about 400,000 people in the UK. This is far higher than the estimate given by Prof Chris Whitty, the UK government’s chief medical officer, who said on Tuesday that just over 9% of care homes had cases of Covid-19.

ason Oke, a senior statistician at the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences in Oxford, said the current figures were “obviously an underestimate of the severity of the pandemic”.

“The worry is that we discover in six months that the numbers are way larger because no one was counting what was happening in care homes,” he said.

Amid fears that the virus is spreading rapidly through homes, especially among dementia patients who are hard to isolate, care leaders and unions are demanding immediate action to deliver more testing and PPE.

The Alzheimer’s Society said on Thursday it fears hundreds of thousands of people with dementia “are being abandoned in care homes”. The trade union Unison also sent a dossier of hundreds of carers’ complaints about a lack of PPE to ministers, including one report of a carer wearing a bag over their face in the absence of a mask.
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Just like I said. It works both ways.

Going by people tested, and those that have died worldwide.

Death Rate is 6.9%
No it doesn’t. Deaths from the virus are easily counted. Total cases of infection are not. I know a few people who were told by doctors that they had it, but were never administered a test.

The death portion of your equation can be proven, the total number of infected can’t be. Going off of the number tested and not the total number infected skews your results.

But, you can believe whatever you want to.
really, you are going with the flu argument?

I had measles when I was a kid. Maybe I'm immune to Covid. They are both just like the flu, right?
What you just said makes absolutely zero sense.

What someone is trying to tell me is that in about 3 months since covid came about, millions of people have died from it, but haven’t been counted as a covid death.
No it doesn’t. Deaths from the virus are easily counted. Total cases of infection are not. I know a few people who were told by doctors that they had it, but were never administered a test.

The death portion of your equation can be proven, the total number of infected can’t be. Going off of the number tested and not the total number infected skews your results.

But, you can believe whatever you want to.
I wonder why the CDC is bases the progress of this disease by number of deaths. It couldn't possibly be the best available metric, right? It couldn't possibly be that they have assessed various metrics and decided number of deaths to be the best available metric. (sarcasm font. we need a sarcasm font)