I Second the Nomination

As of right now..4-24-2020 the World Wide Death Rate of the virus is 6.98%
191,791 Deaths is 6.98572812% of 2,745,469 Infections
Corona Virus is the #1 Cause of Death in USA as of April 10, 2020
COVID-19 — the illness caused by
the novel coronavirus spreading across the globe — is now the No. 1 cause of death in the US, where it is killing more people every day than heart disease or cancer, according to a report.
A new graph published this week by Dr. Maria Danilychev, a San Diego-based physician, showed the disease causes 1,970 deaths across the country per day,
according to Newsweek.
Meanwhile, the graph shows that 1,774 deaths per day are caused by heart disease and 1,641 by cancer, the mag reported.
Only last week, COVID-19 was the third-leading cause of death, averaging about 748 deaths per day, taking the place of accidents, according to Danilychevs previous report