Well-Known Member
You sound about as rational as Dear Leader was yesterday. Good luck with that.Buy bitcoin and physical gold guys ... F these money printers!!
26 Million jobless - in how many weeks? maybe you should look at the facts and stock market and money printers go BrrrrrrYou sound about as rational as Dear Leader was yesterday. Good luck with that.
Yeah the economy is fucked, no question. That is what happens when you get a leader of the largest economy on the planet do nothing but sell out his citizens and a pandemic hits.26 Million jobless - maybe you should look at the facts
The world is becoming digitalYeah the economy is fucked, no question. That is what happens when you get a leader of the largest economy on the planet do nothing but sell out his citizens and a pandemic hits.
But by going back to gold and crypto currency, you are just destroying the advancements our society has created in money. It would just be easier for bad actors to manipulate markets and steal your money if we did that. Going back to the boom/bust every couple year cycles that plagued human history until we developed a system that pushed it from every 2-4 years to 10 years+.
I think less and less like him now and have become more aware.Trump is a complete and utter nutcase with a serious disorder called GOD Sydrome.
Beats me how so many Americans like him.
The guy is not fit for the job and how he ever got voted for the top job is totally beyond me yet despite the constant self congratulatory comments which spew from his shit hole he is still likely to remain in the job after all this.
Trump is an utter disgrace of a human being and those that big him up and vote for this fool are deluded sheep.
He's a deluded self centred dumb cunt and that is my opinion.
USA has by far the most deaths and Trump is to blame. USA already make up for around 25% of the world's total covid19 deaths and be certain that percentage will get far higher yet Trump thinks he's done well.
Fucking idiot who should not be around in my opinion.
Buy bitcoin and physical gold guys ... F these money printers!!
Banks don't print money.The world is becoming digital
Average fiat currencies last 27 years
Oldest the pound which i think has lost 98% of its buying power.?
Money printings banks and fiat are a scam to profit the 1%
America is bailing out the huge companies who were greedy and worried about stocks instead of the own company
But fuck middle class right ? 1200 for how many weeks what a freaking joke... but hey if you are into that.. different folks different stokes
Yeah the economy is fucked, no question. That is what happens when you get a leader of the largest economy on the planet do nothing but sell out his citizens and a pandemic hits.
I think less and less like him now and have become more aware.
Up until 3 weeks ago I worked with and was surrounded by fucking trump supporters for 9 hours a day 5 days a week. It was like being in a 4th grade classroom for the mentally challenged. This pandemic has shown much just how ignorant and helpless a large percentage of the population is, and yet another reason why I support online commerce. God forbid I should have to go to a store and brush shoulders with those fucking mouth breathers.
Don't drink the bleach or stare into the light, the koolaid has already fucked up yer brain.i would say the opposite.....
Trump to reporter: "I'm the President and you're fake news."
>so good ...so true.. tune into the daily briefings ...msm gets its come uppence
i would say the opposite.....
Very well said and USA will continue to be the laughing stock of the world as long as you have Trump at the helm and all his deluded followers.
He is a one man comedy show more than every for all the very very wrong reasons.
Google private keys crypto. & have fun paying the banks to hold your money when interest rates flip negative...Digitial revolution is here first adapters always will be up. This is a funny rewind clipBanks don't print money.
Computers are completely hackable. Going fully digital is just asking for shit to go south. And I trust our government even with a dispirit like Trump in charge more than trusting everyone with the ability to manipulate code to not screw this up. At least with the government you get insurance (paid by the banks) on the first couple hundred thousand dollars in a FDIC insured account.
The middle class works at those 'big businesses'. Do I wish they did shit smarter, of course, but unfortunately Russia helped push Trump into office using the same kind of conspiracy nonsense that you are spouting, and we got stuck with Trump.