Feckless party caves on COVID bill

Just look at the problem like a landlord does when a renter loses their job.

Or you could look at the problem when an elderly couple on a fixed income can't pay the oxymoronic "property tax", which isn't a voluntary contract.
The House really can investigate and pass legislation, the Senate has about 400 bills the House has passed that Mitch is sitting on, what could they do that would change anything?

The Republican controlled Senate and President Trump have all the ability to pass legislation, not the Democrats. There is a reason Trump gets every senate appointment he wants regardless of their qualifications and conflicts of interest.

That has always been the case and is the game the Republicans have been playing for the last 50 years. The Democrats have to win 60+ seats in the Senate, House majority, and the Presidency to get anything passed that doesn't just benefit the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male demographic.

Your pretending otherwise is just more right wing nonsense aimed at dividing our party for things that we all agree on but are very real problems.
Pelosi went with McConnell's Senate bill without putting up anything in the House. Why didn't the House create their own version of the relief bill to send to the Senate that included better protections for small businesses and individuals?
Pelosi went with McConnell's Senate bill without putting up anything in the House. Why didn't the House create their own version of the relief bill to send to the Senate that included better protections for small businesses and individuals?
i don’t worry about mowing the lawn when the house is on fire either
The opposition party gives Trump and Republicans everything they want and their bootlicking supporters cry when they lose elections against them

This is the kind of opposition you end up with when you welcome Republicans into the Democratic party and when you cater to big donor interests instead of constituents
The opposition party gives Trump and Republicans everything they want and their bootlicking supporters cry when they lose elections against them

This is the kind of opposition you end up with when you welcome Republicans into the Democratic party and when you cater to big donor interests instead of constituents
It's almost like theres someone who is a senator.. who apparently is so popular he'll win every vote... but he hasn't done shit to fight McConnell on anything. Weird
It's almost like theres someone who is a senator.. who apparently is so popular he'll win every vote... but he hasn't done shit to fight McConnell on anything. Weird
You support neoliberal economic policies and a rapist for president

Good luck in November
Pelosi went with McConnell's Senate bill without putting up anything in the House. Why didn't the House create their own version of the relief bill to send to the Senate that included better protections for small businesses and individuals?
Because overtime they have it got shot down. Do you not remember the bill that they tried to get election money for from home voting done? Do you just ignore what I said about the 400+ bills they have sitting on McConnell's desk? https://www.rollitup.org/t/house-democrat-stimulus-package.1009739/

Your pretending that the Democrats have the power to pass legislation is disingenuous at best. They can however stop legislation, but unfortunately real people need help even if it is just the crumbs that fall off the Republican's plate for their rich friends.

The opposition party gives Trump and Republicans everything they want and their bootlicking supporters cry when they lose elections against them

This is the kind of opposition you end up with when you welcome Republicans into the Democratic party and when you cater to big donor interests instead of constituents

You are so full of shit. Trump and the Republicans are in a position to get everything they want, due to Trump and the Republicans flagrantly dismissing the laws of our country and acting like would be kings. The Democrats only hope to be able to make change is by winning in the fall. You are so obvious of a troll trying to make it so that people don't vote to help the only party that has been working for all people in our country from thinking their vote helps the people they care about.

You support neoliberal economic policies and a rapist for president

Good luck in November
You are a moronic lying troll.
So I take it you wont vote biden?

@tangerinegreen555 think you can stop bumping

He's a feckless, whining, self serving crybaby who thinks he's some kind of a victim.

Why wouldn't he support Trump and a right wing SCOTUS?

'More is expected of him because he's white' and all.

The radical left have a lot in common with the far right. They're both radical victims of society who whine and protest that they can't get a break.
Yeah, "them", "others", "people I want to diminish", "those who would disagree with me", maybe other meanings as well.

I think it means something more but @Padawanbater2 will have to tell us because the common definition for that word doesn't match his use for it. I failed at mind reading, so I have to depend on what people say and do rather than what they are thinking in order to understand them. In the case of Sanders cult, because they don't do anything, we have only their word.