It's still a seedling and extremely fragile I would advise against moving it now. If I had to guess you are overwatering. The SF light would be fine to use, but A LOT farther away. at that young of a seedling I had mine 30" away.
Can I ask about watering then? As this seems to be something that is almost impossible to get right for me!
I was giving it 6-8ml every 2 days in the evening, which is a reletivly small quantity! Tried my best to get around the seedling and some around the outside of the soil but obviously such a small amount doesn't go very far at all and of course no run off as soil soaked it straight up!
The soil was usually pretty bone dry each time I came to water, even pushing my finger down a few inches was still dry.
How much less water could I give it?
Some people seem to be ok misting their plants each day, I tried this at first and it didn't work out, then I tried giving far less water and the next one wilted and subsequently died.
I know my RH is far from ideal at 34% but seen plenty of successful growers in those conditions or less. I am going to try the pebble in water method today to attempt to raise it.. dont want to try the wet towel method for fear of mould.
Should I try raise my 300w blurple led higher to give less light as unfortunately I can't get my sf1000 much higher than around 25" away