REALLY just checking in from the UK

Hi everybody just checking in to see if your all okay, strange kind of world we live in at the minute separated from our family and friends. Watching the daily update about the lives lost to this horrible virus, stay safe everyone.

Much love from Granny xx

Third time's the charm...

Now come on, so I put the thread on twice I was a little high at the time I’m trying out some new forest honey infused with the finest weed
they're fun for about a month but not terribly useful for much of anything imo. And you have to explain all the plastic penises which can be awkward.
Oh I bet I could figure out some type of product. The shop had these made a few months back. These where pretty tough.
We also had a few hundred of these other parts that went into a product but with some knowledge I think we could have done better. The plastic was brittle and caused issues.
Those look like they're printed in nylon. That's almost as strong as an injection moulded abs. unfortunately I can't get my printer to 250° needed to print nylon and it creates carcinogenic fumes so I'll probably never get into it. I kinda wish I took mechanical engineering, I think it's something I'd enjoy doing.
Those look like they're printed in nylon. That's almost as strong as an injection moulded abs. unfortunately I can't get my printer to 250° needed to print nylon and it creates carcinogenic fumes so I'll probably never get into it. I kinda wish I took mechanical engineering, I think it's something I'd enjoy doing.

See I know nothing about this process. I'd like to look into learning more of the manufacturing of the parts and materials used. I imagine it's a lot like milling on a cnc.
It's the same technology. You use slicer software like simplify3d to visually create gcode instead of manually coding it like cnc programmers do. I suspect it's less complex since there's only three axes and one tool on a 3d printer.
Those look like they're printed in nylon. That's almost as strong as an injection moulded abs. unfortunately I can't get my printer to 250° needed to print nylon and it creates carcinogenic fumes so I'll probably never get into it. I kinda wish I took mechanical engineering, I think it's something I'd enjoy doing.

U know MIT has open-source courses u can learn for that mechanical engineering thing.....just fyi...and it's free