Horrible insomnia , please suggest most sedating / "knockout" strain

If nobody has suggested it yet, waking up at the crack of dawn and going for a 30 minute walk is one way to help. It resets your internal clock.
I meant in terms of its sedating , relaxing qualities

Here, google
Greenpoint's "Hibernate" has been reported to knock people out. I don't know if it still available though. Shuteye is the mother plant.
You might want to check out Mandala seeds. They are known for their Hashberry and Satori, both fire and their abilities to do well in hot environments. They also have Mandala #1 which I have not tried yet but have heard nothing but good things.

They are probably shut down right now due to this craziness. Good luck on your search!
You might want to check out Mandala seeds. They are known for their Hashberry and Satori, both fire and their abilities to do well in hot environments. They also have Mandala #1 which I have not tried yet but have heard nothing but good things.

They are probably shut down right now due to this craziness. Good luck on your search!
Here, google
Thanks for your link , it is helpful.
But tell you what, read on some websites that Afghan kush has 6 % CBD !!
That just does not seem right , is this true.
Other people are also more than welcome to weigh in.
Regards to everyone
Thanks for your link , it is helpful.
But tell you what, read on some websites that Afghan kush has 6 % CBD !!
That just does not seem right , is this true.
Other people are also more than welcome to weigh in.
Regards to everyone

That's Afghan cbd, different strain, just get Afghan kush, the exact wording. Not all websites give you good info either, use cross referencing other websites to make your judgements.
That's Afghan cbd, different strain, just get Afghan kush, the exact wording. Not all websites give you good info either, use cross referencing other websites to make your judgements.
I have an important question here. Do marijuana strains have cross tolerance to each other.
Example: If I smoke afghan kush and eventually develop a tolerance to its sedative effects will I also develop tolerance to Granddaddy purple ( or any other given indica ) to the point where it won't sedate me either.
Simply put : If you develop a tolerance to one indica strain do you develop a tolerance to all the others as well.
Just buy it man, quit over thinking this shit.
Lol Yeah I have a bad habit of overthinking.
I have decided on black domina subject to this ability to grow in hot weather.
So just out of curiosity I wanted to ask you , what strains do you grow and like currently and also what kind of climate/ temperature do you live in.
I used to live in the great lakes area but moved back to south asia where it's hot unfortunately :|
Blueberry is my number one for nightime, cbd spliffberry daytime, cbd shark nightime sometimes. I live indoors, it's cold here most of the year.

Others I've used and work but dont grow is Tahoe og kush, purple kush (get a hangover from this one)
Blueberry is my number one for nightime, cbd spliffberry daytime, cbd shark nightime sometimes. I live indoors, it's cold here most of the year.

Others I've used and work but dont grow is Tahoe og kush, purple kush (get a hangover from this one)
May I ask what conditions you take it for. I'll start first , its insomnia and moderate anxiety
Blueberry is my number one for nightime, cbd spliffberry daytime, cbd shark nightime sometimes. I live indoors, it's cold here most of the year.

Others I've used and work but dont grow is Tahoe og kush, purple kush (get a hangover from this one)
It's interesting that you chose Blueberry as your insomnia strain as I believe you live in a cold temperature area and Blueberry is supposed to be a plant which is suited for warmer climates.
It's interesting that you chose Blueberry as your insomnia strain as I believe you live in a cold temperature area and Blueberry is supposed to be a plant which is suited for warmer climates.

All my growing is done inside.
All my growing is done inside.
Don't mind but with GDP , northern lights , black domina etc why did you zero down on Blueberry ?

I want to grow 2 strains. Thanks to the kind people here I have zeroed down on the first that is BD × AK . I am undecided on the second but am considering Blueberry , so your opinions on this specific strain would be helpful
Cause it just flat out works for me. It's one of the few I've tried that I don't get a weed hangover from. There are zero side effects, at least for me and I can wake up and not be affected by any fog that's left over no matter what time I wake up at. Some strains if I'm not well rested it can take a while to get going, not with blueberry. It makes my head operate better and addresses chronic fatigue and insomnia at the same time whereas most heavy indicas only address insomnia. It also helps with headaches. I guess it depends on you and what ails you. Considering you have horrible insomnia you probably have a lot of fatigue as well so if it were me I'd look for a strain that addresses both.

Other strains that address chronic fatigue and insomnia are superglue, northern thunderfuck, rudeboi og. I've got these on hand, rudeboi og died as a seedling but i just haven't grown them out yet.