Why all the lies on the news? Here is the truth why the news lies.

so...a subversive religious film targeting the conspiracy theorist genre for christianity? 20 minutes in and I'm out.
best of luck finding rational comments....
Not smart enough to discern for yourself?
Can't get the facts because you are prejudice against religion?
Talk about narrow minded.
I hope you folks don't support the sex trade.
Good info about that in the video, but can't be true, because somebody said GOD.
How childish, how very childish.
So much hate here.
I just don't get it.
What happened to freedom.
Not smart enough to discern for yourself?
Can't get the facts because you are prejudice against religion?
Talk about narrow minded.
I hope you folks don't support the sex trade.
Good info about that in the video, but can't be true, because somebody said GOD.
How childish, how very childish.
So much hate here.
I just don't get it.
What happened to freedom.
hey man, seems like the hate is coming from you. insult after insult, you don't know me bro.
you're assuming you know more than you do...you're a christian huh?
that would make sense how you're turning a political section into a religious one
Why all the lies on the news? Here is the truth why the news lies.
If you don't watch you will be forever in the dark!

Not claiming the video is perfect.

I stopped watching after he said most of our facts are facts because someone told us so. Incorrect. 1+ 1 is not 2 because someone told you its 2 because apriori logic.

Then I tried skipping ahead and he said he found god and that satan is real..... this guys talking about facts?