Swami Seeds

...after telling me how long you been looking for that church pheno, I had to make sure you find it brotherman.

Get er done!
Hey Swami/Gas,
What's up with your YouTube channel? did you just give up on it? I'm subscribed to it. I would really like to see you upload new videos, I find them very entertaining and informative.

Keep up the good work brother.
Can’t speak for anyone else but first exp with Swami is buy while u can lol.. not sure if he will hook it up the same he did for me I’m honestly not gonna say how much but I can tell u now he went above and beyond what I expected.... side note I understand some people’s grief not every gets the same results but I’m definitely 100% positive that gas is easy to work with and easy to speak to. If u find yourself going back and fourth with him chances are ur coming off like a jack ass or ur story is unbelievable. This is my opinion from the first meeting....
same here. My bud’s sittin on a beautiful nl5hz clone rn just waitin for the flip...I don’t think I’ve seen better customer service. also got more than I expected when I ordered my beans. Can’t ask for much more than that.
Just started pullin my dep today! Will keep you updated on the BOH in the mix...got 3 out there that didn’t finish out the season last year. Very excited about this one! They’re chillin with some nature farm genetics and some dominion as well...all very beautiful plants for sure!! Also had to throw a chem D in the mix for some extra fun:) :bigjoint:
He was both...yet shady and not telling us a lot of stuff yo.

He got told on by the people he fucked over...like this guy.

Look man,this guy may be right,he might not have got his seeds at all. How do I know that? How do I know he didnt gets pack of seed and try to get another?
People gotta understand ,we've seen every scam imaginable in this gig. Especially the 'I didnt get the seeds' scam.

We have a policy that states,I will only replace a lost order once. That's that. If this guy had come at me a different way we wouldn't be here doing this right now.

All the guys saying they didn't get their seed...why do you think we get tracking. Every breeder gets hit by the same guys..they use the same tactics to get free beans. Trust me,we 'breeder's talk about it amongst each other behind the scenes.
This year we decided to crack down on trolls and scammers. Why the troll thing?...is beside me....seems you know your at the top when you have troll army so they say.

I was in agreement with you, What are you trying to say here? I was implying that if some1 is selling your seeds at their seedbank, that doesn't make them your employee...

You seem very confrontational, sorry if you didn't understand where I was coming from.
glad for you, but in my case it happened otherwise.
what is unbelievable?
here my mails, directly to gas . I did not receive any response from him...
I understand what your saying but that wasn’t my experience. I just bought seeds last Saturday and now have almost 100% germ rate. In fact never bought seeds that look this good ever.if I find what I’m looking for or better I will buy his whole catalogue...
@Gocha my suggestion to u is email gas apologize send him some money and ask for a hook up lol... u have a better chance at doing that then doing what ur doing... I hate to admit it but the truth is no one cares bro. Everyone is still buying beans and getting what they ordered plus more... figure out a better address email gas get it right and then post ur experience.
I get u sent money and nothing happened but that was 2 years ago... let it go bro... buy some new stuff and see what happens and what u get...If ur not willing to do that then just give up bro... we don’t care. We only care about the results of what guys are getting from the beans..I’m honestly trying not to be rude so I hope u don’t take it that way but someone has to tell u the truth.... every time I log on I want to see something relevant to swamis beans not see u crying bro... I have lost money in beans as well.. I had a neighbor stealing my mail and didn’t know for years. Shit happens. I swore the seed company was lying but years later I found out the truth.it suck’s but I didn’t get on forum and cry.. I was in private message talking mad shit lol... the truth is if swarmi feels he did right then u ain’t getting nothing by crying foul play.. sounds like he is saying he sent something out.. if it got to u or not means nothing. It’s what was done that does.. email him figure it out.. u say he blocked u I say use another account.. common sense bro
I'm getting ready to start some 76 Guerrero inside in coco. Any advice on how to feed her would be appreciated. I've never grown any landrace sativas, but have read they can be light feeders.
These get big. I would flower asap to control size. Feeding will be average.
I was in agreement with you, What are you trying to say here? I was implying that if some1 is selling your seeds at their seedbank, that doesn't make them your employee...

You seem very confrontational, sorry if you didn't understand where I was coming from.
No offense taken,I get what you said. I just for the record used the post to tell everybody again. All good man.
Hey Swami/Gas,
What's up with your YouTube channel? did you just give up on it? I'm subscribed to it. I would really like to see you upload new videos, I find them very entertaining and informative.
Keep up the good work brother.

Brotherman,my hands are dirty,wet,and hashy 24/7... dirt farming and electronics ,camera/editing time...no flow there when I'm ragin the greenhouses..need a camera edit guy. I've got lots of content...just need the hours to do it that I dont have.
glad for you, but in my case it happened otherwise.
what is unbelievable?
here my mails, directly to gas . I did not receive any response from him...
Face palm action...

Dude..look at the email address, it's not mine.

I'm not even wasting my time opening any more than the two I did...

Recalling the fact that I let him deal with you and after hearing all the drama I probably did block your ass after the first stupid fucking email.
Now imagine all potential in all those The One x BMR Bx3 that went out as freebies people.....

This year we reach cube (Bx4)...97.3% The One in genetics makeup via seed.
That baby does look amazing. I’m gonna pop the rest of these yogis very soon...just gotta figure out how I’m gonna make that happen. That was some legit FIRE. I wished I’da kept cuts. Also the one rks...still got 13 of those left too...hehe
These emails that keep getting posting are not even us This really needs to stop. How many times does a seed order get sent before it gets abandoned and isn’t safe or worth it anymore to keep trying. Bro get over it. 2018 and still wants his $2 like the movie. Funny thing is some other guy from Russia not even a couple months ago got his beans “lost” guess what - gas sent them again and they landed for the guy. Prob cost gas more in shipping twice to Russia than he made on the seeds lol. You win some you loose some - especially when international...and you need to realize in 10 years of getting people’s stuff out safely you’re the biggest asshat complainer I think ! We constantly give stuff away, help people, answer questions, resend entire orders, all you’re doing is making us tired now. You would be lucky to get even ONE seed order replacement, yet you got two and STILL expect refund or resend, the risk you put everyone through is not worth the cost of the order I can tell you that much if you kapish what I’m laying down brother.

Please stop posting shit up - you’re told this isn’t our email now it is redundant - redundant means we already went over that - no point in continuing making these points again. It’s spring time here we have gardening to do and not be doing internets!! As the admin I can say you won’t be getting any refund so move on! Or go back to the original guy you got this from bro! If you would kaput on this conversation of posting up how seeds are moved around especially internationally, that would be great and better for everyone. By the way I think you’re the reason international Swami seed orders ended, so congratulations on contributing to reducing access globally because of this type of dumb shipping problems. Bye please, thank you!
That email looks like it is from the Instagram guy in 2018. Why can no one tell you this fact. That is not Gas’ email - you were not talking with gas.

Using a US address for forwarding outside the country is against our policy. Again thanks to this order we know about this trick now- how foreigners get seeds to their country that we only packed for US domestic shipping. Now when foreign people order with a US address we have to check and make sure they are not trying to get domestic packed orders through customs. That is playing a trick on the people you order seeds from kapish?? Not ok just because you say throw a t shirt in with it. We never saw that message. Both you and the Instagram guy were taking advantage of us it sounds like. I know you think this is all acceptable but to us this is an unacceptable trick. It’s safer to have seed company send directly international rather than use a mail forwarding service. They have to open the mail and declare the contents. They know they are not allowed to send cannabis seeds and will not forward if they are discovered. Then the package gets returned likely to a fake return address and it messes things up for us. If you know anyone playing this trick on breeders and seed companies you should tell them to stop. It’s dishonest and puts a lot of people at risk. You should order from breeders and seed companies only if they offer international shipping and can prepare your package correctly so you don’t waste your money and cause trouble for the seed company.

76 Peace Corps Guerrero Mexican

Gathered by a female recruit who was super heady and smart enough to gather and lable the seed.

Same source as the 76 Panama Red...she collected over 30 types from various regions in South America and Mexico. Only these two and the Acuna came up of all the types...many were older as well. They were not stored correctly.

Acuna lost to a home theft,more of those solid canna-peeps.. lost as in dead.
ugly scammer :bigjoint:

how much new have i learned about you here

you will see my posts on every page of this thread pussy :bigjoint:
The only thing you have achieved is making yourself look like an ass. Nobody here cares about ICmag, it’s a bullshit forum that nobody worth a shit goes to anymore. A couple of people out of thousands complained on there and they happen to be crooked assholes, really opens your eyes, RIGHT! The only one crying here is you. We’ve all lost money on overseas orders, I did this year, am I crying about it, no I moved on, it’s a risk you take, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, suck it up and move on. I was actually feeling sorry for your situation until you showed your ass. Your problem is with Atlantic Seed Co. not SOS, why aren’t you crying to him??? He even posted a message on IG, stating that he would take care of everybody that had any problems with orders made through him. I also saw your conversations with him on IG regarding. Gas probably lost a lot more money than you over this dude and the deal in general. You can run cackling your mouth off where ever you want to, but people with a brain can see right through BS.

Gas puts 15 plus seeds in a pack that you keep stating as 10 seeds and gives another free pack of 15 SEEDS, get your story straight.