there is NO money in marijuana


New Member
Ol' Angel Dust....
Was really big back in the 70's....
Went to a friends "older" brother's new years eve party and tried it. They told me later that I sat perfectly still on the couch for four hours and intermittently drooled. Annie who was my friends brothers wife dutifully wiped away the spittle. Nice gal (she could roll with one hand, GODDESS!). About halfway through Guy Lambardo's (70's remember?) Aulde Lange Syn (sp.) at midnight, I started softly chiming in with the words, and the first thing I can remember is Annie's sweet voice saying, "he's coming out of it". I had a great time after that!

Gorillas in the Mist is a no sh*t.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Isn't Angel dust Pcp? Or am I off?
Ol' Angel Dust....
Was really big back in the 70's....
Went to a friends "older" brother's new years eve party and tried it. They told me later that I sat perfectly still on the couch for four hours and intermittently drooled. Annie who was my friends brothers wife dutifully wiped away the spittle. Nice gal (she could roll with one hand, GODDESS!). About halfway through Guy Lambardo's (70's remember?) Aulde Lange Syn (sp.) at midnight, I started softly chiming in with the words, and the first thing I can remember is Annie's sweet voice saying, "he's coming out of it". I had a great time after that!

Gorillas in the Mist is a no sh*t.



Well-Known Member
Lol. Im originally from the Detroit garbage is something im used to. Yeah she's from Brampton, and I always tell her it reminds me of the show "weeds". Everything looks exactly the same.
Haha Im on the border of brampton, Ill say my city starts with an m. Yeah I guess coming from Detriot toronto would seem alot better. Im just really not a city kind of guy. Im glad im up north now for school.


Well-Known Member
nope. not a single person. if everyone has it, no one wants it. :-|
Jar that shit up and prepare for a long winter. I'm seeing this flooded market, too and it's not a great time to be sitting on a large amount of bud. So I'm keeping my stash fresh and waiting for everyone else's harvest to run out and hopefully a dry winter. :lol::bigjoint:


nope. not a single person. if everyone has it, no one wants it. :-|

i cant imagine how that must feel.... it is just amazing to think that alot of the country is having a hard time with weed and yall's hard time is too much weed.... makes me think back to last years "cant give it away" (with the ghosts in the car:mrgreen:)... crazy stuff bro..... hope you at least find a niche enough to take care of bills and such... someone f'd up their crop, you just have to find each other:blsmoke:

Zimmy Budz

Active Member
it's Great to see scenes like this...

Toke in front of the cops and they do nothing but keep the peace.
haha dudes this is a great thread.

that looks awesome bro. im jealous

Here in sea town hempfest is tight. dont really smoke in front of the cops but a kickass weekend where the cops stay away and give stoners there park and plenty of space to light up

canada is awesome tho i love goin up there
bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie :weed:


Active Member
thats other states where they do not allow med. marijuana...a big bust can really cause a shit ass drought...cali has legal mm..i think u get my drifto


New Member
So I throw out this posit as an experiment in human behavior.

If getting marijuana to be legalized meant the growers went broke, would you still be for legalization?



Well-Known Member
Isn't that the goverment angle on legalisation? To tax the hell out of it, so that it becomes virtually impossible to afford, or you get so fed up with the price hike that you grow tired of the extra expense. I'd like to see it legalized and people are allowed to grow 6-8 plants indoor/outdoor at a time. That way it remains Legal and regulated. Yeah people could still sell, but realistically why would they? You can provide your own product. Im im out.


New Member
Well, I hardly think tobacco is unaffordable. You wouldn't pay 4.00 for 20 joints?
Legalization would bring VOLUME to the market, war would end, poverty would vanish and I would get that "stoked" hottie down the street to do that special wiggle she's known for.



Well-Known Member
You think they would price it that reasonably? I think they would find a way to make the price artificially high. I mean look at drug busts. They raid a 200 plant op and all of a sudden the crop is worth 250k. They set the numbers at what they want...not at it's actual value. Would I pay 4 bucks for 20 joints? Hell yeah. But would they price it like that? Doubt it.