600W QB288 V2 R spec LED Kit

The choices for leds are so confusing. I see how it could be a good investment or an expensive mistake.

Figuring a 4x8 table normally have a 5x9 canopy he was thinking he might need supplemental lighting for the sides of the canopy.
buy boards separate and wire them yourself rspec with sink 2 100 bucks a board and just under 100 for a ballast you can put a 600 together for less than 500 plus layout wherever you want them they are a little light so fans might blow them around don't know about good hanging height I don't have a par meter
Yeah he should be able to maintain that weight. Ive pulled that from slightly less wattage using same LED tech.

As stated above he will need to be aiming 80-85f air temps.
I'm running rspecs with cmhs should I be shooting for higher temps they seem to be a little hot already in terms of I have yellowing of my tops
I'm running rspecs with cmhs should I be shooting for higher temps they seem to be a little hot already in terms of I have yellowing of my tops

If your getting yellow tops then it less likely heat and more likely light stress so yeah low to mid 80s would probably be beneficial.
What sort of total wattage you running over what space and how close are the LEDs?
it is confusing though, that the qb288 has 288 diodes and the qb 648 has 666 diodes, both boards have 660nm reds in them. Maybe they didn't want to freak out people with the number 666
Yes I think this is the first board HLG has sold where the board name Does Not refer to the total number of diodes on the board.

If anyone is downplaying that number, it is Samsung. I don't see any reference to 666 diodes anywhere on their official datasheet. The only way to figure the total number of diodes via the datasheet is to actually count them on the diagram.

Although I would think that Samsung is ok with HLG calling the board a diablo, considering Samsung is producing the boards for HLG in South Korea.
Okay, so he did get one of the 260w 648 kits. It is perfect for a 2x4. He tried putting a 600w kit in his mother room but it wont cover a 5x5 at 12 inches above the canopy. That 648 is frickin bright. Hes gona have to get a par meter for sure
I wanna get a par meter, but then a spectrometer is only 10x the price sooooooo...
but i bought the 10-20$ lux meter instead
Do any of you use co2 enrichment? wonder how that works out with LEDS? Also what kind of controller would you recommend for a co2 generator?