Useful Seeds

Charlotte Figi, Who Inspired Nationwide Medical Marijuana Reform, Dies at 13

Not sure if everybody knows. RIP
At least medical marijuana gave her and her parents some more time together. I have four children and this just breaks my heart! RIP. Don't know how people feel about the Stanley brothers but they are key to her survival for this long. Thank you Stanley brothers for your advocacy of Medical Marijuana!
Bag of oranges day 50 since flip Bud shot.

sorry for the lack of updates, it’s been a weird few weeks.

the Grape OG x Choc D are doing fine, they are just waiting for the BOO to finish so they can have the big lights to themselves. I’m hoping to start updating more by then.

Stay safe Useful fam!


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Some folks say that plant physiology differs between day and night and both are important. Others swear by 24/7 light for vegging. Higher electricity bills and heat are other considerations. Either way, if there's been a definitive study proving one or the other approach is "right" I haven't seen it. Which is not to say it isn't out there.... :)

20/4 is what I learned many years ago and stuck with, because it made sense and worked. The most important things are to shock the plant out of flowering mode and to keep cycle time consistent while doing so. If 24/7 is working for you, nuff said!

Thanks for the input. All my timers are in use LOL. Great reason to run 24 hrs. Plus It has worked before for me. 20 hrs would have been enough to bring them out of flower I am sure. I may switch to 20/4 today if I can run down a timer. It might confuse this plant a little. I do feel it might work better then the 24/7. I need to change before I bring in the last 2 or 3 plants. "Way to many keepers this run LMAO". I have a incredible Strawberry Lemonade and Banana Sorbet plants that will be kept also. Maybe the last SSH if it is as good as I think it is going to be.

Another thing I am doing that helps with regeneration. My mentor taught me this trick the first time I regenerated. I use a clear plastic 16 gallon trash bag as a cover. Air can still get to the plant from below. The bag helps keep the plant in a really humid environment. This helps keep the lower buds that are left from drying out. You just need to pull the bag off once or twice a day and reverse it to keep the water away from the plant. I have never had a plant not regenerate doing this. Not sure if it is a great trick or just good plants.
At least medical marijuana gave her and her parents some more time together. I have four children and this just breaks my heart! RIP. Don't know how people feel about the Stanley brothers but they are key to her survival for this long. Thank you Stanley brothers for your advocacy of Medical Marijuana!

Love, condolences, and wishes of comfort and peace to the Figi family.... but.... the Stanley Brothers are snakes:
All my timers are in use LOL.
Yet another reason for 24/7 ;)

Another thing I am doing that helps with regeneration. My mentor taught me this trick the first time I regenerated. I use a clear plastic 16 gallon trash bag as a cover.
Thanks for the interesting idea. Over the years, I've only lost a couple plants during regeneration and just figured it was from not leaving enough green matter. Will keep this in mind....

BTW, how did your test bud go? I've been hitting on some of the sugar leaves after harvest and am head over heels for BOO's flavor and buzz.
Love, condolences, and wishes of comfort and peace to the Figi family.... but.... the Stanley Brothers are snakes:
I knew someone would dig up something. Did they steal the cut? I don't know and don't care. What I do know is that they got it to Charlotte and risked it all to do so. Giving marijuana to children could have got them thrown in prison probably forever and they did so anyway for the sake of Charlotte. That is all I know, or think I know from what I have seen and heard in the state I live in, the state this happened in. Don't want this to turn into a Stanley brothers debate, dont care that much, a little girl lost her life and that is where our hearts should be. If anyone else disagrees, tell me and I will delete all content containing the Stanley brothers. Again, Don't want this about them at all, just thought I would give props to the people who got medicine to her in the first place.
I knew someone would dig up something. Did they steal the cut? I don't know and don't care. What I do know is that they got it to Charlotte and risked it all to do so. Giving marijuana to children could have got them thrown in prison probably forever and they did so anyway for the sake of Charlotte. That is all I know, or think I know from what I have seen and heard in the state I live in, the state this happened in. Don't want this to turn into a Stanley brothers debate, dont care that much, a little girl lost her life and that is where our hearts should be. If anyone else disagrees, tell me and I will delete all content containing the Stanley brothers. Again, Don't want this about them at all, just thought I would give props to the people who got medicine to her in the first place.
We're those the cats that had a TV show? Not a network show but like discovery, national geographic ECT. Went a couple seasons?
@Boosky - can't agree more. IF they did risk much to help anyone, especially a little girl, then they should be proud.
Rumor has it they used Charlotte to further the family business and the cut itself was said to be stolen. Don't know them personally so I probably shouldn't have posted but the stories I once heard were cringe-worthy. Not nice people.

@iriemartin1974 That's them. Oddly enough, I can't find the credible interviews/articles I once watched/read.
@Boosky - can't agree more. IF they did risk much to help anyone, especially a little girl, then they should be proud.
Rumor has it they used Charlotte to further the family business and the cut itself was said to be stolen. Don't know them personally so I probably shouldn't have posted but the stories I once heard were cringe-worthy. Not nice people.

@iriemartin1974 That's them. Oddly enough, I can't find the credible interviews/articles I once watched/read.
That's a bummer, always they they were really good peeps. Oh well at least they did the advocacy part of it. Money probably got to them, it usually does, makes you do shady shit. Or they did the shady shit before the advocacy then it would be like Robin Hood? I'm baked, sorry.
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This is my favorite chocolate diesel pheno I have grown and this is the plant I mentioned in the jbc thread. Not sure how to describe the flavor or smell but it’s great. It’s a super potent night time smoke that all my friends ask for again. I lost the cut and I’ve been very slowly smoking the last quarter I had of it lol5B118A4E-EBC7-4AA5-AC5F-07E3DDAA351A.jpeg
Yet another reason for 24/7 ;)

Thanks for the interesting idea. Over the years, I've only lost a couple plants during regeneration and just figured it was from not leaving enough green matter. Will keep this in mind....

BTW, how did your test bud go? I've been hitting on some of the sugar leaves after harvest and am head over heels for BOO's flavor and buzz.

Test bud was great. The high had the intensity I wanted. Flavor was there but after only drying for 3 days it was only a tease. I wanted to be sure this plant regenerated so I didn't finish it as long as I normally would have. I will have a better update on BOO in another day or 2. It has been drying for 5 days already.

Both smell and flavor are more on the lines of orange rind now instead of the fresh orange it once had. Still not to sure about the other 2 pheno's. This one plant seems to be worth the purchase price of the seeds. Now I just have to see if I like what I have been wishing for LMAO.
Update !!! I was able to get a couple seed shipments out for 420. Blueberries n Chocolate fems, some Chocolate Diesel fems, and some Chem D x Chocolate Diesel Fems. I have been moving plants to the isolated spot, that's Gonna have some more Double Dipped Strawberries, Gelato #45 x Chocolate Diesel, Skywalker OG x Chocolate Diesel fems. Also a bigger batch of the Blueberries n Chocolate fems are in the oven.

It amazes me the progress of our thread while I have been absent, you folks are something else. I certainly miss all of you from the bottom of my heart !!! Just know that while i'm not with you daily, my heart is with ya every day. Your continued support is certainly appreciated. Be safe, and I hope this message finds you and yours well.

Your friend

@Useful Seeds I will be getting Blueberries n Chocolate fems, Chocolate Diesel fems,and some skywalker og chocolate diesel fems if I’m lucky enough to get before they sell out. Are you going to have a sale at 420? Also will the BOO be restocked for 420?
Where will the 420 release be sold. DC seed exchange or jbc seeds? I hope I will be fast enuff to grab a few. I hope the Useful family has a great day and if you partake happy Easter. May light touch you and your loved ones.