
there are 427,460 known Covid-19 cases reported in the US as of today with 14,696 deaths = 3.5% mortality rate.....and they say nobody has immunity and a little over 1% of US has contracted the virus so far.

Who is saying that no one has immunity? The folks that have recovered from the virus are surely immune to it, right? I refuse to go through that shit again...
I swear 4 days ago I saw covid in the air. Like this patch of stained air almost outside this guys apartments building right on there porch stairs where they were sitting. And they now are sick with covid 19 sysmptons. Has anyone else seen something in the air ?? It’s hard to explain
It’s almost clear With a light light yelowish tanish tint
5 of my friends from college (not a party school) swore they saw the same thing
Also Im not positive about this. , just a weird incident..... but fuck what if all of a sudden lots of people start saying the same thing as me.
Sounds like the plot to "Cocoon", did you fall asleep watching it?
First death in the neighboring county today.

Found dead in his home, never went to hospital. Coroner tested dead body for 19 and it was positive. So you get a test if you die here.

This is a wide open county with a lot of farms and speckled with small towns, not what you'd think of as an outbreak area.

You probably are familiar with the county seat. It's where the Mothman Prophecies was shot 20 yrs. ago. And the bridge didn't really collapse, it's still there. They used a model for the big scene.

This continues to suck.
Had our first death in the county. 27 cases, 12 hospitalized. 213 total deaths in the state. Wore a N95 mask for the first time when I went out a couple of days ago.
..... but fuck what if all of a sudden lots of people start saying the same thing as me.
Hopefully you don't mean people are quoting you, like above?
Just checking that something isn't lost in translation here...

Are they saying:
"Get the Fk away?" or chanting in unison. Just checking again .
So if the mysterious "cloud" is the cause (mighty big IF) of COVID-19, then what you you suppose was the source of this? or do you think the phenomena is more of a psychological/spiritual sorta anomaly than a tangible physical thing?
Not a cure, but made my throat fell better, and the only way to make Jaegermeister bearable.:P
The herbs are great for topical relief and really relax your breathing.
Some herbs don't come with alcohol, adjust accordingly with 151.
Covid seems more like a allergic reaction working down your throat than a flu with mucus.
You need to produce antibodies before it gets to your lungs, or you got big trouble.