Well-Known Member
i wish my dogs would let me do this they wont even let me near them with ballons the weirdest thing
Mine is terrified of balloons too.i wish my dogs would let me do this they wont even let me near them with ballons the weirdest thing
my rotties aren't scared of anything, except the vacuum cleaner. Damn thing has never come at them or anything and they could demolish it in a minute but when I get it out they run outside.i wish my dogs would let me do this they wont even let me near them with ballons the weirdest thing
my rotties aren't scared of anything, except the vacuum cleaner. Damn thing has never come at them or anything and they could demolish it in a minute but when I get it out they run outside.
dog attacks everything, a broom, carrying a shovel, clippers in my hand, a rake, anything. She has to be inside when the lawnmower is running or she tries to bite the wheels. Dipshit.
When I let our Roxy out she goes to the edge of the house to stalk lizards, I guess to protect me? She is always looking through the fence at the sheep. Not sure if she wants to play with them or what. She freaks when there are other dogs on the TV, like she wants to play.both of mine are scared of balloons Roxi is scared of thunderstorms but i cant even get the vacuum out and shes running over biting at it and barking same with lawnmower/weedeater my bro in law has a gas powered rc she tries to attack that anything with a motor or blower seems like
When I let our Roxy out she goes to the edge of the house to stalk lizards, I guess to protect me? She is always looking through the fence at the sheep. Not sure if she wants to play with them or what. She freaks when there are other dogs on the TV, like she wants to play.
Ours is a shelter dog so who knows what she is.mine are corgis and they are herd dogs not that mine ever been around sheep ... bebe is my other shes the one who paces the back fence for squirrels and makes tracks in the yard from her protrols for wildlife to bark at lol
When I was growing up my parents got a divorce when I was 9. My dad ended up with my step mom who loved horses and they got a 40 acre farm for their horses, arabians mostly. We had this dog that was given to us, a blue heeler with one blue eye, my step sister named him Stanley, we called him Stan.mine are corgis and they are herd dogs not that mine ever been around sheep ... bebe is my other shes the one who paces the back fence for squirrels and makes tracks in the yard from her protrols for wildlife to bark at lol
Ours is a shelter dog so who knows what she is.
Its amazing how much of even our human behavior is genetic.aaaw poor stan and yea its crazy how inteligent and instinctual they are he seems like he had an xtra helping of natural talent
Man some of the best dogs I have ever had and in fact the best dog were rescues. They are grateful and they show it.Ours is a shelter dog so who knows what she is.
I just laughed so hard.They fear nothing! They should but they are pretty stupid and small.
Thanks! I expanded on it a little. They are so dumb and so sure NOTHING is bigger than them. You gotta love them.I just laughed so hard.
Mine are terriers. They fear nothing! They should but they are pretty stupid and small.
I have this tiny 11 lb senior citizen that tries to take on two 4-5 y/o German Shepherds everytime we go for a walk I fear the day the shepherds get loose.