just dogs


  • Sit

    Votes: 43 16.6%
  • Fetch

    Votes: 47 18.1%
  • Belly Scratchers

    Votes: 82 31.7%
  • Dog Farts

    Votes: 69 26.6%
  • Leg Humps

    Votes: 28 10.8%
  • Cookie? Good boy..

    Votes: 59 22.8%
  • @Ceasar Milan, Fuck you!

    Votes: 105 40.5%

  • Total voters
my rotties aren't scared of anything, except the vacuum cleaner. Damn thing has never come at them or anything and they could demolish it in a minute but when I get it out they run outside.

dog attacks everything, a broom, carrying a shovel, clippers in my hand, a rake, anything. She has to be inside when the lawnmower is running or she tries to bite the wheels. Dipshit.

both of mine are scared of balloons Roxi is scared of thunderstorms but i cant even get the vacuum out and shes running over biting at it and barking same with lawnmower/weedeater my bro in law has a gas powered rc she tries to attack that anything with a motor or blower seems like
both of mine are scared of balloons Roxi is scared of thunderstorms but i cant even get the vacuum out and shes running over biting at it and barking same with lawnmower/weedeater my bro in law has a gas powered rc she tries to attack that anything with a motor or blower seems like
When I let our Roxy out she goes to the edge of the house to stalk lizards, I guess to protect me? She is always looking through the fence at the sheep. Not sure if she wants to play with them or what. She freaks when there are other dogs on the TV, like she wants to play.
When I let our Roxy out she goes to the edge of the house to stalk lizards, I guess to protect me? She is always looking through the fence at the sheep. Not sure if she wants to play with them or what. She freaks when there are other dogs on the TV, like she wants to play.

mine are corgis and they are herd dogs not that mine ever been around sheep ... bebe is my other shes the one who paces the back fence for squirrels and makes tracks in the yard from her protrols for wildlife to bark at lol
mine are corgis and they are herd dogs not that mine ever been around sheep ... bebe is my other shes the one who paces the back fence for squirrels and makes tracks in the yard from her protrols for wildlife to bark at lol
When I was growing up my parents got a divorce when I was 9. My dad ended up with my step mom who loved horses and they got a 40 acre farm for their horses, arabians mostly. We had this dog that was given to us, a blue heeler with one blue eye, my step sister named him Stanley, we called him Stan.

This fucking dog had major herding instincts but no training, like if we knew what we were doing this dog would have probably won herding competitions. Was cool because if we were bringing the horses up to the barn Stan would just go and start rounding them up to the barn. No training at all, he just knew that was the routine. If a horse got out of the fence Stan would know and put the horse back in and keep it in. It was crazy how effective this dog was. He was like a ranch hand.

Was sad when Stan got kicked in the head by our stud, he was dumb as a box of rocks after that.
Ours is a shelter dog so who knows what she is.
Man some of the best dogs I have ever had and in fact the best dog were rescues. They are grateful and they show it.

My first rottweiler was this massive fucking dog. I was working on my car (an 86 monte carlo SS) in the back yard where the parking was off an alley. This guy comes up to my fence with the big rottie but he is emaciated, you could see his bones ya know? He was shaking just to stand up. He was like "man you wanna buy this dog? $50?" I was hard up for cash back then as a youth so $50 was a big deal, plus with inflation thats more like $150 now lol. I told my girlfriend to go in and get $50 out of my wallet and I bought the dog. I named him Ned. That was on a sunday and I had to work Monday but I had my girl take Ned to the vet first thing when they opened. Turned out he had 3 different intestinal parasites! We treated him and he recovered fully and quickly. Talk about the absolute best and most loyal dog I have ever owned. I miss that damn dog.
I was walking into a Petco one day with Ned and this guy is walking out with this tiny little dog on a really thin leash. He sees me walking in with Ned, who is friendly BTW, and in a moment of terror he just yanks that leash and the dog was in his arms like a yo-yo. I couldn't stop laughing at the look on the dogs face as it flew up into the owners grasp.