Sugars in dwc


Well-Known Member
On 1st week after flip in dwc. This is my first run with dwc. I use bennies. Wondering about sugars. Do any of you experienced dwc growers use sugars and if so what kind, how much and when? If not why? If so why?
Someone told me not to use Tecnaflora's sugar daddy in hydro but the website says it can be used with hydro? It's phosphorus, magnesium and sugar I believe. The day after I put it in, my reservoir did smell really funky.
don't believe the hype.
I use molasses powder for my bennies in rdwc. Doesn’t get all foamy like regular molasses and doesn’t turn the water that brown since it’s only 1/16tsp per gal. Bud candy from AN and sweet raw from Botanicare is alright too. Trying sweet raw for the first time right now, I like those two cause they have some added aminos and stuff
The only place sugar goes in my grow room is in my bacteria bucket to feed the little buggers... never in my dwc..
i have what I believe is a sterile dwc grow, I sometimes add a scoops of Azos or Mykos. But not sugar. But I have been thinking about making a earthworm casting tea, with azos, and during the final week or so of the plants life add that to the reservoir. To see what happens, since it’s the last week, nothing too bad could happen as I would remove the plants anyways. It’s just I was thinking about how they say hydro doesn’t have the ‘tastes’ like soil does, so maybe in the final weeks a rich compost tea could add some flavor