Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

DUDE...... OMG You are the MENTOR.

Im so relieved.
DRAGON.. i used bottled water from the store (ya know 125. a gallon) my ph has not been a problem,, thought it might help.
Holly molly... I think i know what happend.. i cut too big a hole on the reservoir lid... its like a big huge opening ..i guess all i needed was a small hole around the pump hole witha small faucet screen... im in deep thought.
The brown junk is what's causing your PH to rise. Hygrozyme will take care of that.
Organic Growing Hygrozyme Discussion | What is Hygrozyme? | Hygrozyme, Var, Products
Organic Growing Hygrozyme Discussion | Root rot and other Horrible Nasties | Plants, Roots, Var

I'm wondering why you have it to begin with. My first guess would be that your water temps are too high. Warm water breeds funk. Your water should feel cold.

You did say you have a cycle timer right?

Sorry - yes I do have a timer. I'm using the same timer you recommended. I pretty much built everything based on your posts and I'm learning as I go.
I had attempted a grow a year or so ago and it failed and I've had a bunch of seeds in dirt that sprouted and grew a little but to be honest they suck and are like 2 months old and are way smaller than plants that have been in the aerocloner for 1 week. So thank you once again as I feel like things are finally going to be working.

I'll go take the temp of the water now but I'm not sure how to keep it down if it's warm...
Got my first baby OG kush dying ... I'm running 12 hours on 6 hours off with a simple t5 4 bulb florcent... with a simple bucket drip system... I had it growing real strong now it seems like the tips of the leaves are turning like a tan/brown color... Did i stunt the growth by snipping off one of the dying stems?

From one California MEdicated to the next help me till i can build your awsome system...

I am seeing a white powder looking shit on the inside of the bucket to and am wondering if thats from the spray i put on it to kill spider mites and fungas or if thats a mildew?
Got my first baby OG kush dying ... I'm running 12 hours on 6 hours off with a simple t5 4 bulb florcent... with a simple bucket drip system... I had it growing real strong now it seems like the tips of the leaves are turning like a tan/brown color... Did i stunt the growth by snipping off one of the dying stems?

From one California MEdicated to the next help me till i can build your awsome system...

I am seeing a white powder looking shit on the inside of the bucket to and am wondering if thats from the spray i put on it to kill spider mites and fungas or if thats a mildew?

Over fert? What is your PPM and PH. What are your water temps? Room temps, humidity?

Put your light on 24/0. Change and clean your res and use my nutrient formula at 1200ppm. Also add some Hygrozyme to your res.

Don't use sprays! Order some pedatory nematodes and put them in your res.
Nature's Control - Beneficial Insects for Garden Pest Control

They will kill just about anything.

If this doesn't work build my system and say goodbye to all your problems.
Holly molly... I think i know what happend.. i cut too big a hole on the reservoir lid... its like a big huge opening ..i guess all i needed was a small hole around the pump hole witha small faucet screen... im in deep thought.

The only thing you really have to worry about is the roots getting sucked into the pump. A cheap $10 pump bag will keep the pump from clogging.

With my system the plants are in the flower room long before root length is an issue.

For now just go to Wally's and buy a roll of window screen. Cut it the size you need and glue it down with some aquarium silicone.

When ever I work on my clone or veg systems I just fill the bathtub with cold water and float the lid with the plants in the water. That way you don't have to rush.

You could also fill a spare container all the way with water but try draining it out later!
The clones that hadn't rooted just sat there fat and happy with a really shitty attitude. Like couch potatoes. It's like you have to say "Put the fucking bon bons down, get off your ass and grow some roots bitch".

That's kind of the idea of straight water. It forces the plant to get off it's ass and go to the freezer and get it's own fucking ice cream. Does that make sense?

I LOL'd :) you're so funny ......sometimes :clap:
Stinkbud, I do have a dual container for my veg system (exactly like yours) Today is exactly 2 weeks since i put my (already rooted clones) in. The roots have grown so long that they are all now about 4 inches in the water. Will this be a problem? since i still need a couple weeks to get flower lights etc...

This is absolutely amazing how fast these plants and roots grow with this system... I am A happy MAN.

damn dirt! im a week behind you and my 1st 7 cuttings are just the same size when i cut them, i now have 5 out of 7 with root nipples and another 23 just cut this weekend, um my water temps are around 75ish (i dont have a thermo that will give me min/max for the water, i just have regular floating thermo but im sure it gets down at nite just dont no how much) no funk in my rez tho, i wonder if my water temps+low humidity is effecting me?
offgrid.. i bought my first batch of clones, and they had 1-2 inch roots when i put them in. that might be why they have grown so much.. i dont know what my water temp is, since they are growing strong i never bought a water thermometer.

I just did what stink told me about glueing some screen down so the roots dont sit in the water.. i just wonder if they will grow through the screen? the screen i cut from an old window screen i had laying around. big piece i glued 8x12 (it was a big hole)
I got confused about the veg unit pics (i thought the pic showed a big hole on the reservoir lid and a big hole on the bottom of the top reservoir, but smaller so it could sit on the bottom one)
did that make sense??? well anyway i need to get my ass in gear quick... these suckers are grownin!!!!!!
Any advice on the best place to get Clones in Southern Cal..???. I'm pretty sure the ones i bought from this creepy guyin temecula were crap... And I really want to build your unite but I am in a one bedroom apartment.. I was thinking about trying to shrink it down and build it into like a television Armoire and build the clonning and vegging on the bottom and have a flower up top.. I am just concerned about venting out the window:weed:
Gotta subscribe! (even though i dont now what that does exactly, but i hope that now i have this thread in my subscibed list)
I'm planning my first grow and i got to take this techniq to serious consideration! I read the whole thread in one sit. Somebody should build temple for Stinkbud!
damn dirt! im a week behind you and my 1st 7 cuttings are just the same size when i cut them, i now have 5 out of 7 with root nipples and another 23 just cut this weekend, um my water temps are around 75ish (i dont have a thermo that will give me min/max for the water, i just have regular floating thermo but im sure it gets down at nite just dont no how much) no funk in my rez tho, i wonder if my water temps+low humidity is effecting me?

Your doing fine bro! As long as the plants stay alive eventually they will pop roots. I've seen it take anywhere from 4 to 30 days!

Remember to take your cuttings from the bottom of the plant. Big cuttings from the top don't root faster than small cuttings from the bottom.

The whole purpose of the cloner is to get roots growing. I don't even care if the leaves grow at all. As soon as they go into veg they will grow as large as they need.
Any advice on the best place to get Clones in Southern Cal..???. I'm pretty sure the ones i bought from this creepy guyin temecula were crap... And I really want to build your unite but I am in a one bedroom apartment.. I was thinking about trying to shrink it down and build it into like a television Armoire and build the clonning and vegging on the bottom and have a flower up top.. I am just concerned about venting out the window:weed:

yo check this guys super stealth plus stinkbuds units would equal on bad ass mofo for an apt. Im already thinking on how to hybrid these two for something in the future.

Your doing fine bro! As long as the plants stay alive eventually they will pop roots. I've seen it take anywhere from 4 to 30 days!

Remember to take your cuttings from the bottom of the plant. Big cuttings from the top don't root faster than small cuttings from the bottom.

The whole purpose of the cloner is to get roots growing. I don't even care if the leaves grow at all. As soon as they go into veg they will grow as large as they need.

thanks for the reassurance!! I do take my cuttings from the bottom up, and try to stay away from the tops other than pinching.

btw its 6 out of 7 now, also noted something today, the smaller cuttings that i put in the farthest part of the split n the nenocollars, 2 of them, swelled up in the insert as if the collar was to tight and it bulked up to resist the pressure of the collar, so I will make sure I put the cuttings in the dead center from now on. ill post a pic l8r 2nite.
Any advice on the best place to get Clones in Southern Cal..???. I'm pretty sure the ones i bought from this creepy guyin temecula were crap... And I really want to build your unite but I am in a one bedroom apartment.. I was thinking about trying to shrink it down and build it into like a television Armoire and build the clonning and vegging on the bottom and have a flower up top.. I am just concerned about venting out the window:weed:

If you really have the OG Kush strain, then thats all u need. Its one of the best if not the best, Ive heard of clones being sold for $10,000 or more. Check it, alot of the cannibus cup winners have the OGer strain in them. Shit OG is legendary
Stinkbud , I've been doing alot of reading for about a year now i am really impressed with your organization in your plans and also response, I finally decided to build a aero/NFT system like your (waiting on the Plans this weekend) but i had a problem with the roughneck containers .

I can only find the 14 gal in NJ . Will that be a problem with water temp ?

Also How much water should i use when i fill the res for Veg and Flower systems ?

Stinkbud , I've been doing alot of reading for about a year now i am really impressed with your organization in your plans and also response, I finally decided to build a aero/NFT system like your (waiting on the Plans this weekend) but i had a problem with the roughneck containers .

I can only find the 14 gal in NJ . Will that be a problem with water temp ?

Also How much water should i use when i fill the res for Veg and Flower systems ?


You can use any kind of container for the Aero/NFT system. The only reason you have to use the Ruffneck containers is when you have sprayers inside.

14 gal would be fine for the Aero/NFT system though. In fact if would be better because you could make the unit lower. My first system used an 18 gal res for 28 sites.

I fill my res to about 15 gal. now.

I've been looking everywhere for the 14 gal Ruffnecks. I think they would work best for veg system too. Where did you find them?

The cloner needs the 18 gal Ruffneck. No way around that. You could just make two veg units with the 14's, one with more holes. The concept is exactly the same.
Hey Stink -

I'm attaching some pics here in an attempt to figure out what's going on or if you've seen anything like this before. I'm thinking it's pH, possibly heat. My temps hover between 75-80. Water temp is fine and they had no nutes when these problems occured. They are about 10 days old and you see the orange spots and twisting of leaf edges?

Thanks again!!!






