
I have tickets to the Steely Dan concert in Portland June 2nd. It sucks that it's probably going to be cancelled.
I saw them once, fabulous show and they were just the warm up band. Stole the show though.

I think we can all pretty much write off 2020 at this point. Unless they have a vaccine months earlier than they expect.

I hate to think of what will be left of the medical system and economy on the other side of this.

I never thought WW III would be against a virus.
Love the humor, a good laugh relieves anxiety.
Had a good one I thought about America's #2's being #1 and just don't have the desire to post humor. Maybe in a few weeks I can tag in for someone who needs a break although it might not be a good time for humor in a few weeks IDK.

My internet went down as cox was working out front for a while so I got off my ass to cut the grass.
I used to keep the garage open when working out front or in the garage. Now with a pantry of food and a fridge visible I'm keeping the garage closed from view.

I have tickets to the Steely Dan concert in Portland June 2nd. It sucks that it's probably going to be cancelled.

One of the festivals I go to has been pushed from May to Oct. I wonder if we moved our hotel dates yet.

@Dr.Amber Trichome , you asked me a while ago, in the tool thread, what festivals we go to. That's 1 of them

A few shows were scheduled for weekend of 04/20 have since been canceled.

We've been watching a few favorites on Instagram live, Facebook live, and YouTube live. Quarantine sessions.
