Aussie Growers Thread

Also guys I doubt any of you will take this serious but I do. Have done for a few years now and i believe it has helped me in few aspects so I will share

In feng shui this year is particularly bad energy for health. The energy is known as the three killings and it's very dangerous. It is moving from the south so you should avoid having your back to the south as much as possible. If your favourite chair faces North move it. If you sleep in bed with your back to the south move your bed.

You should face this energy head on

I personally don't think it's ccoincidence we have this virus at a time that the three killings is so strong
Feng shui is a load of crap, my friend.
Aparrently there aint any nuclear weapons in the world it was all for media to convince everyone that the world goverments are not united but really they are all workin together towards a one world goverment an have planed this pandemic to control everyone o_O