how does it look first grow pics


Well-Known Member
lookin alright suggest bringin humidity down a notch....nd mayb a lil more lighting..what u usin fo lights??


Well-Known Member
you need these 45 watt 6500k cfls from the designers edge theyre 3200 lumens a pop i use 4 of them in my cloneing chamber


Well-Known Member
They look slightly over-watered causing the droopy leaves. How often are you watering them?


Well-Known Member
once a day and about 9 onces of water for all 4 i got
You're watering way too often. You should let the soil get almost completely dry before watering. When you do it right, the roots are forced to spread out in search of water, and the dry soil conditions also give oxygen a chance to permeate the root zone. You should only be watering once every 3-4 days. And when you do water them, water them heavily making sure that the soil is completely saturated. Give them enough so that water is flowing out of the bottom drainage holes, then ditch the drained water and let them bask in the light until the soil is totally dry again (about 3 days or so) and repeat.


Active Member
im also give them vigoro all purpose plant food 28 8 16 the box said feed 1 evry 14 to 28 day so im doing oce evry 3 to 4 day the rest of the time i give them norma water ph 6.8