My system has corona help dtw


Well-Known Member
Im tryin to finnishvmy dtw system.
Plants are huge and overgrown

I need to raise them in a container
And drain them to another container

I was gona get 29l storage tubs and 32mmnpipe with 19mm connected to that and inton1 binn ez

Corona has shut all shops and delivery onlone 1 week

The hardware shop stoped selling wood and storage boxes ffs what can i do?
First: Post some pics so we can see what you're dealing with.
Agreed, I am confused by the post.

Sounds like he needs a controller plumbed into the DWC sites so he can drain from there? Do you have a floor drain? Shop vac?
Lol literatly
Tent 2.4x1.2
5 20litre airpots in coco and 5week old plants.

Wana raise em and sort sumin
But every shop says im not alowed storage boxes lol and plant saucers
Still lost.

what you trying to use them for?

Totally lost here. Take a minute to explain clearly and shoot a pic or two along with it.
Drain to waste tubs was to be sausers draining to a res.

I thi k i sorted it now if no leaks to ight