President Cuomo


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude. You never went to some big event, like big band.. and just stare at a wall instead of the band right in front of you?
I have a couple times but I was really into acid
Especially if you waited around all day to see the band and the actual show lasted about ten seconds. I would generally choose that time to look around.


Well-Known Member
Pooling resources- he's right not everyone is going to have the peak at the same time and when you do you only need the ventilators for 2-3 weeks they should start Ventilator Share 2020.

President Andrew M. Cuomo, has a nice ring to it..

The red caps have started and I no longer have to go to Denver for testing..MCR and PVH now screen in my area and both contain at least one Covid patient. No elective surgery's, don't come in unless you are really ill have led UCs and hospital halls to be empty and aside for the occasional's red caps.
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I wonder if the hypothetical Cuomo presidency will kick off with a riveting speech like Joe Biden's did?

Here's a shot of Bill Clinton hanging on Biden's every word at the fortified Biden coronation yesterday.
