uva booster

I use a T5 fixture fitted with full spectrum plus UV bulbs. Hortiluxe makes a whole line of these with different spectrums but I find Agromax bulbs hold their brightness longer than the hortiluxe. Has both UV A & B plus full spectrum. I put four of these alongside a 600w hps which really puts the frost on them.

so have herd about uva helping increase strength so was thinking can i buy 'booster' lights or will i havr to make my own?!?!

It's UV-B NOT UV-A that does that..... 280 to 315 nm band range....
Keep in mind that not all UVb bulbs work well, as they have a very limited penetration depth.

Example: Reptile bulbs and fixtures - Only have about 18 inch's of actual effective distance from the bulb...

That's $32 bucks they stole from you....