Canada vs USA during Covid-19 Pandemic

No, shitstains like you do

immigrants pay more taxes than you do and aren’t eligible for most of the programs their dollars fund


Immigrants who file taxes but without an SSN will not get aid from the stimulus package. These are illegal immigrants technically, but they do pay taxes.

These are the same people who Trump has hired in the past to work at his resorts, yet some Trumptard here says that they consume government resources. They do the jobs that many Americans feel they're too good for at a minimal wage, and then pay taxes, yet they're shunned as a blight on the US.

The unjust hate, and unwarranted disgust for other members of this planet is appalling.
Canada, like the USA was built on immigration. You do realize Trump is considering providing even more visas to foreign investors right? Do you know what that means? Residents from other countries will own MORE of the US.

Free hand outs? What is the USA doing? Free money, but mainly for corporations. What Canada is planning on doing is helping the individual.

I do not live in Ontario. I am VERY thankful I'm a Canadian Citizen as opposed to a US Citizen though, that's for sure.
Only Helping individuals will not help the long country in the long term. Trudeau lives corporate welfare, he gave MasterCard 50 million to build a office in Vancouver, the bailout for the Quebec air plane manufacture, the us is trying to pass a bill through that will help individuals as well in case you haven’t read, the Democrats being Democrats are holding it up to try to get their virtue signaling bull shit in.
Corporate bai outs are gonna have to come weather you like it or not. No business means no work our country will be fucked.
We’re built off capitalism not communism
No, shitstains like you do

immigrants pay more taxes than you do and aren’t eligible for most of the programs their dollars fund

So the immigrants that come usually invest in cash heavy business's, bottle depos car washes, your telling me they don’t skin/lie on their taxes? I bet they do.
The majority co e here and work and send their money back to their countries. That doesn’t help our coubtey
Immigrants who file taxes but without an SSN will not get aid from the stimulus package. These are illegal immigrants technically, but they do pay taxes.

These are the same people who Trump has hired in the past to work at his resorts, yet some Trumptard here says that they consume government resources. They do the jobs that many Americans feel they're too good for at a minimal wage, and then pay taxes, yet they're shunned as a blight on the US.

The unjust hate, and unwarranted disgust for other members of this planet is appalling.

They are not citizens, so they should not get help. They didn’t go through the proper channels.
Only Helping individuals will not help the long country in the long term. Trudeau lives corporate welfare, he gave MasterCard 50 million to build a office in Vancouver, the bailout for the Quebec air plane manufacture, the us is trying to pass a bill through that will help individuals as well in case you haven’t read, the Democrats being Democrats are holding it up to try to get their virtue signaling bull shit in.
Corporate bai outs are gonna have to come weather you like it or not. No business means no work our country will be fucked.
We’re built off capitalism not communism

Where do you get your info from? Fox news?

Trump wanted to push through a bill that would give unregulated corporate welfare out. $500 billion of it. With no oversight of how the money is being spent. The democrats refused to sign because they demand oversight. Also, other little things... trying to make sure that Trump himself can't skim off the top, which we all know he wants to.

Do you think, for one second, that a corporation if given billions with no oversight will benefit the employees? LOL

Also, do you even know what communism is? I don't think you do. Capitalism is free market. Free market means if a company fails, it fails. Government backed business is not capitalism at all.
So the immigrants that come usually invest in cash heavy business's, bottle depos car washes, your telling me they don’t skin/lie on their taxes? I bet they do.
The majority co e here and work and send their money back to their countries. That doesn’t help our coubtey
They are allowed to do what they want with their money

when your stepdad forces you to get a job you’ll be able to do the same

prime minister dip shit isn’t doing anything better, he’s left it up to the provincial government’s to do the job, so don’t blame trump blame the state governme
Canada is very sparsely populated with the exception of Toronto and Montreal

Plus justin Trudeau is a even bigger actor than anyone, I’d sure trade you him for trump anyday

Despite your claims, Trudeau has announced significant assistance for small business to help the EMPLOYEE (and not provide golden parachutes).

Interesting facts here huh? Subsidizing wages. Not subsidizing CEO multi-million dollar bonuses. Novel idea.


Trudeau rates higher than Trump but lower than other world leaders in COVID-19 polling
Justin Trudeau gets high marks on his government's handling of COVID-19, but he isn't alone


Éric Grenier · CBC News · Posted: Mar 27, 2020 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: March 27

Two-thirds of Canadians think Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is doing a good job handling the COVID-19 crisis, according to a recent poll. It's a number that has grown larger over the course of the last few weeks. That still ranks him below some provincial premiers in this country, and some world leaders overseas.

But not all of them.

A survey published on Thursday by the Angus Reid Institute found 64 per cent of Canadians think the federal government has done a good job handling the pandemic. That number is up six percentage points over a Mar. 13-15 poll.

And the number is very similar to another survey conducted by Léger, which found 65 per cent of Canadians satisfied with the performance of the federal government on this issue.

According to the ARI poll, however, more Canadians in every region of the country thought their provincial governments were doing a good job. In Ontario, 74 per cent of respondents reported that Premier Doug Ford's government was handling things well, a number that was also corroborated by the Léger poll.

But the highest score came in Quebec, where 93 per cent of respondents said Premier François Legault's government was doing a good job. That is an extraordinarily high result — almost unbelievable. But even that score was backed up by the Léger poll, which found a 94 per cent satisfaction rating for Legault.

That likely makes the Quebec premier one of the most popular leaders in the world right now, despite the increase in cases in his province. On Thursday, the number of confirmed cases in Quebec grew to 1,629. That figure is higher than the ones being reported by any other province, or even some big countries such as Japan.

Nevertheless, significantly more Quebecers are satisfied with Legault's leadership than with Trudeau's. Only 49 per cent of Quebecers said they thought the federal government was doing a good job on coronavirus, according to the ARI survey.

Trump getting a bump
That's about even with how many Americans approve of the job U.S. President Donald Trump is doing on the pandemic.

A recent YouGov poll gave Trump an approval rating of 49 per cent on his handling of the crisis, with 44 per cent disapproving (broadly in line with other surveys). That is a relatively good mark for Trump and better than his overall approval rating. On Thursday, his average approval rating hit 45 per cent, the highest it's been since the first weeks of his presidency.

Still, Trump's numbers rank him quite low among major world leaders.
Despite your claims, Trudeau has announced significant assistance for small business to help the EMPLOYEE (and not provide golden parachutes).

Interesting facts here huh? Subsidizing wages. Not subsidizing CEO multi-million dollar bonuses. Novel idea.

Hmm, I'm considering taking him up on his offer to Trade Trump to Canada for Trudeau to the US. I mean, "what the hell do you have to lose?"
Our lives...
Trump is menacing states that are in the early stages of a staggering rise in illnesses by threatening to withhold federal supplies that were stockpiled for this very time. He wants to have his subjects on bended knees.

I'm so glad Canada has a better example.