who will send me seeds in the mail? bag seeds? anything?

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Well-Known Member
i havent posted that much on this site but i have been reading quite a bit for a while now. I gotta say you have got to be one of the shadiest people on this site yet!!! You think im gonna send you seeds cuz you bought beer for some kids!!! Your gonna tell me you cant afford seeds online but you can buy a half ounce bag. And you said you had medical issues. Did you mean mental issues.

woahhhh budddy you are a failure, just plain fail, alllll the way wow, omg , funny how such a large percentage of people are this uselss, pleaase tell me you are not over the age of 20, and even 20 is severly bad for such an ignorant post


Well-Known Member
kid drinks the whole case by himself... alcohol poisoning... yeah you're such a good guy and not a waste of life. STFU

"i just got a half ounce and there were no seeds in there."

well genius. half ounce... woulda got you a nice variety of feminized seeds.

so i would say you are worthless. or like 15.

good luck in life.

1) i know these kids, they are not that iirresponsible, most ki8ds arent that dumb, obviosuly you are. what next, you gonna insult my typing? wow , incredible 2) i live in canada, we dont get shitty seedy weed here, people grow good weed here,
3) you must have such a crappy life, becuase this is the negative way you act to a person you dont even know, even if this post seems dumb to you, you shoudl be smart enough that instead of being 12 about it, you would help this person, PERSON being the key word, to find the right path

YOU are the waste of life. very clearly


Well-Known Member
dang I am just surprised this post hasn't been closed yet..when I first started this site I created a thread just asking if anyone wanted to trade seeds and it got closed by the rollitup staff within an hr...oops..lol


Active Member
ok buddy just send me your credit card numbers experation date etc. and ill send you some seeds. just post all your information and ill get you your seeds right away.
you fool!!!


Well-Known Member
btw just go to attitude seed co and you can buy individual seeds there..plus with any single purchase right now you get 5 Power Skunk seeds...type in the coupon code "420" and you get like a 10-15% discount

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
It's funny you already dissed yourself for your own lack of knowledge. Let me help you some more. Obviously, you've not read this site much. It is generally frowned upon to try to sell, trade, or otherwise endanger others on this site. You've done that already. Then you start trying to make people who've been members for much longer than you look stupid? First off you're supposed to be over 18 to be on this site if you are then you should be killed immediately as to not contaminate the human gene pool with your genetics. I also cannot believe this thread has NOT been shut down due to it's nature yet. If you cannot afford seeds or are too stupid to find them locally then don't go on websites begging for free ones or whatever you propose to be doing. You are and IDIOT! There is no simpler way to say it. FUCK THE HELL OFF!!!

Green Funk

Active Member
1) i know these kids, they are not that iirresponsible, most ki8ds arent that dumb, obviosuly you are. what next, you gonna insult my typing? wow , incredible
Dude, your typing sucks. Way to call yourself out. Why not run your posts through a spell-checker, or at least re-read it before whining?:dunce::dunce::dunce:


Active Member
It's funny you already dissed yourself for your own lack of knowledge. Let me help you some more. Obviously, you've not read this site much. It is generally frowned upon to try to sell, trade, or otherwise endanger others on this site. You've done that already. Then you start trying to make people who've been members for much longer than you look stupid? First off you're supposed to be over 18 to be on this site if you are then you should be killed immediately as to not contaminate the human gene pool with your genetics. I also cannot believe this thread has NOT been shut down due to it's nature yet. If you cannot afford seeds or are too stupid to find them locally then don't go on websites begging for free ones or whatever you propose to be doing. You are and IDIOT! There is no simpler way to say it. FUCK THE HELL OFF!!!
hell yeah i second that!!! i hope a moderater shuts this idiots thread down.


Well-Known Member
lol he has to attack back because he's just been called out on how lame he is by 20 people on this site. not one guy backing him up.

lol look at the tags...

ahahahahah i'm high right now but those are hilarious.

"gimme some seeds" "i'm a cop"

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Dude, you can't do this here.Do like the rest of folks and use a seed bank.And knock it off with the lame excuses, we ain't buying it.No, officer, there are no seeds here.:roll:


Well-Known Member
this guy is just a bacon smeeling flame baiter. The mods should lock this thread and delete this guys account.
Off to help some one with real issues.
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