who will send me seeds in the mail? bag seeds? anything?

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Well-Known Member
i cant afford to buy 60 dollar seeds online, because i have to pay rent and all this crap every month, but really wanna grow some pot this winter, canadian winter is long and sucks, just wondering if there was a grade A canadian out there who would be willing to send me some seeds, i could totally pay you via paypal. i would never jip you or no crap, just a good ol boy lookin to grow some personal stash

it could work like this, if you want some money , ill pay you half now, then we can keep in contact and after i get the seeds ill pay the other half then (i dont want to jip noone, nor do i want to be ripped off either lol, im short on funds remember? ) lol

anyone? please?

lol have an awesesome day :joint:


Well-Known Member
i cant afford to buy 60 dollar seeds online, because i have to pay rent and all this crap every month, but really wanna grow some pot this winter, canadian winter is long and sucks, just wondering if there was a grade A canadian out there who would be willing to send me some seeds, i could totally pay you via paypal. i would never jip you or no crap, just a good ol boy lookin to grow some personal stash

it could work like this, if you want some money , ill pay you half now, then we can keep in contact and after i get the seeds ill pay the other half then (i dont want to jip noone, nor do i want to be ripped off either lol, im short on funds remember? ) lol

anyone? please?

lol have an awesesome day :joint:
Then you'll just have to grow bagseeds dude. Your not likely to find someone to take that risk. If you pick seeds from decent smoke you can likely grow better than it was.:weed: you can't afford $60 for seeds then how the hell you gonna afford lights (hundreds of dollars) Nutrients, and the light bill :) If your going to try this on a tiny budget your in for a big surprise. There's nothing cheap about growin indoors

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i cant afford to buy 60 dollar seeds online, because i have to pay rent and all this crap every month, but really wanna grow some pot this winter, canadian winter is long and sucks, just wondering if there was a grade A canadian out there who would be willing to send me some seeds, i could totally pay you via paypal. i would never jip you or no crap, just a good ol boy lookin to grow some personal stash

it could work like this, if you want some money , ill pay you half now, then we can keep in contact and after i get the seeds ill pay the other half then (i dont want to jip noone, nor do i want to be ripped off either lol, im short on funds remember? ) lol

anyone? please?

lol have an awesesome day :joint:
i thought you didn't have any spare cash? good luck though


Well-Known Member
Then you'll just have to grow bagseeds dude. Your not likely to find someone to take that risk. If you pick seeds from decent smoke you can likely grow better than it was.:weed: you can't afford $60 for seeds then how the hell you gonna afford lights (hundreds of dollars) Nutrients, and the light bill :) If your going to try this on a tiny budget your in for a big surprise. There's nothing cheap about growin indoors

well the thing is i have lights, i just got 6 cfls, i have dirt, i have fox farm stuff, i have basically everything ineed, just am short now, im also out of the loop, i havent smoked in 2 years, becuase of medical reasons, and so now i only have one guy i buy my weed from and i havent found any seeds yet, and i just got a half an ounce bag,


Well-Known Member
buy some seedy shwag grow a bunch of seeds pick out the females kill the rest take clones from each female and lable what plant they came from then at the end of flowering pick the best plant and make that clone a mother.


Well-Known Member
i thought you didn't have any spare cash? good luck though

im talking bag seed or something someone doesnt want, for cheap, i guess what im really looking for is a decent hearted person like me who is willing to take a couple minutes to help out someone.

heck saturday night, some kids i know, theyre 16, and 17, i was just jokin around with them, told them if they mowed my lawn i would buy their beer for them since they are underage,
since im such a great person, i actually took the risk and bought them their beer, (even though they didnt even mow my lawn lol)
i took the risk because i know that when youre that age, its hard to get your hands on beer, and really you just wanna party man, so i just made sure they didnt tell anyone, i didnt even tell them i was the one getting them the beer, i said, i have a buddy who is a little younger than me, i will ask him, so come back in an hour, an hour later, i told them, oh yeah my buddy dropped off your guys' beer.
they were totally stoked, and all because im not an ass, or a pathetic waste of life, these kids had a totally wicked night man.


Well-Known Member
oh gotcha bro. Can be hard getting going. I'm in US so can't help ya maybe you can find a local here to help. I can understand your situation better :)

You will be fine getting seeds from Attitude http://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/index.asp# I suggest the Dwarf species for CFL growing. It might not be cheap, but I got my beans from these guys and so have dozens of others here.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
HAHA! It's such a ridiculous post I had to comment. Go buy some crappy weed whereever you're from and specifically request it be seeded LMAO. You've got to be joking with everyone here right?!!!


Are you one of those guys that stands on the side of the road at the busy intersections with signs? This thread is silly. Don't beg for seeds. Get a job and buy them like everyone else. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
HAHA! It's such a ridiculous post I had to comment. Go buy some crappy weed whereever you're from and specifically request it be seeded LMAO. You've got to be joking with everyone here right?!!!

are you really this pathetic of a human being? at this point in evolution, when our brains have the incredible power they do, you are this rude, and basically retarded of a person? you should seriously evaluate who you are.

people like, should not be allowed to live amoung other human beings. you are a criminal. funny how the law puts people in jail for growing a sacred plant, but yet, idiots like this, are allowed to infest our society, with dibble and uselessness. complet and utter disregard for another persons, rights,
self esteem, confident, and happiness, you are a plague, and should be thrown in jail until you are better educated.

i have dont nothing wrong here, all i did is ask for seeds, anyone with a brain, can send seeds without them being traceable, if you cannot take a risk like this, without 100% knwoing you will never get cought, you should never be smoking, growing, or even smelling weed,

and ,
if you are this sick of a human being, yo ushoudl never be allowed to be evn close to weed man.
people liek you get high, and try to talk about life, etc, and fail badly, this is perfectly shown by your incredibly ignorant behavior on this post.


Well-Known Member
Are you one of those guys that stands on the side of the road at the busy intersections with signs? This thread is silly. Don't beg for seeds. Get a job and buy them like everyone else. Cheers.

funny thing is, you totally mis- interpreted this thread, didnt understand it at all, and saw a big oppurtinuty, to make your ego bigger. the only reason yo posted this post, is to make yourself feel good. are you 12? wow man, its good to see a society over run by fools like you.


Well-Known Member
ha ha theirs a guy up in town that stands with a sign that says equal rights for whites such a douche but that has nothing to do with this thread just play nice evryone... ask those kids you got beer for if they can get you some weed and youll get em more beer and pay for the weed kids usually smoke cheap seedy weed


Well-Known Member
you know there are seed companies that sell individual seeds

really there are?

see the things, ive always grown outdoors, just in my bush, but now, in the last two years, i havent smoked anything becuase of medical reasons, and in those two years, i moved twice, so where i am now, i dont know anyone. that is why, i cant find any bag seeds, for all these people who are so eager to make themselves feel superior. i only know one guy here so far, ive just moved here, and i dont like people to know im growing, so i dont want to ask him all kinds of shit, plus he wouldnt wanna tell me anyways cause i dont know him well, i have only bought one bag of weed from this guy so far.
i moved here, this guy lives down my street, he was at the bar one night, and we got to talking, and i asked him where i could get some dope and so he sold me an ounce, since then i have only talked to him once. and all i asked him was if he woudl have regular stuff when i needed, he told me anytime.

do yo uknow the site ? i would love to check it out


Active Member
i havent posted that much on this site but i have been reading quite a bit for a while now. i gotta say you have got to be one of the shadiest people on this site yet!!! you think im gonna send you seeds cuz you bought beer for some kids!!! your gonna tell me you cant afford seeds online but you can buy a half ounce bag. and you said you had medical issues. did you mean mental issues.


Well-Known Member
kid drinks the whole case by himself... alcohol poisoning... yeah you're such a good guy and not a waste of life. STFU

"i just got a half ounce and there were no seeds in there."

well genius. half ounce... woulda got you a nice variety of feminized seeds.

so i would say you are worthless. or like 15.

good luck in life.


Well-Known Member
really there are?

see the things, ive always grown outdoors, just in my bush, but now, in the last two years, i havent smoked anything becuase of medical reasons, and in those two years, i moved twice, so where i am now, i dont know anyone. that is why, i cant find any bag seeds, for all these people who are so eager to make themselves feel superior. i only know one guy here so far, ive just moved here, and i dont like people to know im growing, so i dont want to ask him all kinds of shit, plus he wouldnt wanna tell me anyways cause i dont know him well, i have only bought one bag of weed from this guy so far.
i moved here, this guy lives down my street, he was at the bar one night, and we got to talking, and i asked him where i could get some dope and so he sold me an ounce, since then i have only talked to him once. and all i asked him was if he woudl have regular stuff when i needed, he told me anytime.

do yo uknow the site ? i would love to check it out
If you want to buy individual seeds from a reputable seedbank, go here:
Cannabis Seeds - Pick 'n' Mix Cannabis Seeds
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