

Well-Known Member
I am considering rolling with a few of my friends at this halloween party on friday and i talked to my dealer about his prices. He sells coke based rolls for 5$ a roll. Is this a good price? How can i tell if it's a good roll and are there significantly different kinds [other than base]? And is chewing it up and then putting it under my tounge the best method of taking it? And is it okay to drink/toke while rolling?

I've rolled once before, but it was back in high school. A friend gave me a roll during homeroom and rolled for ~8 hours and didn't get shit done all day. I loved it, but nothing that fun can be good for you, so i'm saving it for special occasions.



Well-Known Member
You wont be able to tell quality without trying it unless you spend money on a testing kit ( Erowid MDMA Vault : Ecstasy Testing Kit FAQ (Marquis) ).. or you could even make a testing kit if you have access to some chemicals, namely sulphuric acid and formaldehyde.. That is a good price for a pill.. i wouldn't recommend chewing it as if its real ten it will taste DISGUSTING.. absolutely revolting.. so if you want to come up fast crush the pill, wrap it in a rizla and swallow that.. it will get into your system faster than just swallowing the pill but wont taste bad.. ;) hope this has been helpful..


Well-Known Member
There is no coke pills, well hardly any, that dealer probably doesnt know what hes talking about. Its probably meth or caffeine. Find out what kind of pills he has, and look it up on, or dont see why you would want a "coke" based roll anyway, if you wanna roll you want pure mdma. $5 is good if its a good pill, but it doesnt sound like it is. You'll know if its a good pill if you see trails from lights, your sense of touch is way enhaced, and you feel like you love everyone and everything. If youre really rolling balls your eyes willl start to shake and you'll see colors and shit. Good luck! And dont forget the glow sticks and electronic music :peace:


Well-Known Member
whats a rizila? and very helpful [+rep in fact]

but what are some names of good "types"? i know louis vuitton [the purse name?] and double/triple stackers, but thats it...


Well-Known Member
whats a rizila? and very helpful [+rep in fact]

but what are some names of good "types"? i know louis vuitton [the purse name?] and double/triple stackers, but thats it...
Its hard to say, theyre always making copies of pills..fore example theres probably been a milliion different types of blue dolphins...the best way to find out if a pill is good is too look it up on pill reports, if the report is from your area and recent and it has good reviews, it'll most likely be good!


Well-Known Member
$5 bucks sounds a bit low in my books, ive usually payed about 20 (low end) to 30 (high end). the high end lasted me about 12 hours and was cut with a lot of meth. There are websites you can use to try and evaluate whats in your Ex. I use, Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports . Just type in whatever symbol is on the pill when you get it and look for the one that matches yours in color and logo. Its not always accurate but at least its an educated guess.

As for taking it, you got it ALL wrong man. Dont chew it, it would be about as effective as chewing an asprin for a headache. You end up wasting a lot of the chemicles on your teeth. Here are the best ways to take it in order:
-Stick it up your ass, called parachuting. The walls of your ass are so thin all the chemicles get absorbed without being digested. Sends it right to the brain via the largest nerve in your body, the spinal cord.
-Snort it, grind it up and send it up the nose. Also gets the affect of not having to wait for it to disolve. Closer to the brain sends it to your system faster through nazal cavities.
-Inverted Parachute, grind it up, wrap it in a rolling paper, and swallow it. Dont have to wait for it to disolve so it hits you faster.
-Just swallow it, dont waste time chewing, its like any other pill.

As for drinking and smoking, ide avoid the drinkage. You gotta remember your basic drug rules, never mix opposites. Ex is a stimulant and narcotic by all means, and in some instances a halucigen; where as alcohol is a depresant, in other words it makes your mind run slower. Youll either speed ball out or just cancel out. Smokings legit though, its a narcotic and will deff increase your roll.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt reccomend snorting it, there are certain things in pressed pills that will be stuck in your lungs forever! Not to mention it burns like a motherfucker, but yeah it does give you a mad rush!.


Well-Known Member
$5 bucks sounds a bit low in my books, ive usually payed about 20 (low end) to 30 (high end). the high end lasted me about 12 hours and was cut with a lot of meth. There are websites you can use to try and evaluate whats in your Ex. I use, Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports . Just type in whatever symbol is on the pill when you get it and look for the one that matches yours in color and logo. Its not always accurate but at least its an educated guess.
The one i took in high school didn't have a letter, or atleast i don't think. I remember it being something, i can't remember if it was a playboy bunny or the mcdonalds arches...
As for taking it, you got it ALL wrong man. Dont chew it, it would be about as effective as chewing an asprin for a headache. You end up wasting a lot of the chemicles on your teeth. Here are the best ways to take it in order:
-Stick it up your ass, called parachuting. The walls of your ass are so thin all the chemicles get absorbed without being digested. Sends it right to the brain via the largest nerve in your body, the spinal cord.
-Snort it, grind it up and send it up the nose. Also gets the affect of not having to wait for it to disolve. Closer to the brain sends it to your system faster through nazal cavities.
-Inverted Parachute, grind it up, wrap it in a rolling paper, and swallow it. Dont have to wait for it to disolve so it hits you faster.
-Just swallow it, dont waste time chewing, its like any other pill.
In the ass? i don't wanna roll that bad. Theres no reason to sacrifice my dignity just to get fucked up. And i can't snort for shit... I'll probably do the inverted parachute. Could i mix it in water or something and then just drink the water?

And if someone says a roll is "molly", does that mean like dank or is that a type?



Well-Known Member
Molly is pure mdma and it will get you MEEEEEEESSED up lol! I rolled for the first time a few weeks ago and it was awesome, except toward the end of the night i started feeling all weird and started huggin this pillow for an hour or so lol...o ya i also think that molly is in a powder form, not a pill


Well-Known Member
i consider molly a different drug to a roll because most rolls are only part MDMA, as in its the differance between opium and morphine.. opium is only part morphine, but morphine is pure... molly is jus pure MDMA crystals.. good pills have at least 60-100mg MDMA but quality is going down..


Well-Known Member
There is no coke pills, well hardly any, that dealer probably doesnt know what hes talking about. Its probably meth or caffeine. Find out what kind of pills he has, and look it up on, or dont see why you would want a "coke" based roll anyway, if you wanna roll you want pure mdma. $5 is good if its a good pill, but it doesnt sound like it is. You'll know if its a good pill if you see trails from lights, your sense of touch is way enhaced, and you feel like you love everyone and everything. If youre really rolling balls your eyes willl start to shake and you'll see colors and shit. Good luck! And dont forget the glow sticks and electronic music :peace:
Also.. that is not true.. there are real coke based pills.. but most that say they are generally arent coke based, probably more likely for it to be meth or speed based. but good coke based pills are fun :) .. havnt seen any for a few years.. i miss the good old days :cry: ..


Well-Known Member
In the ass? i don't wanna roll that bad. Theres no reason to sacrifice my dignity just to get fucked up. And i can't snort for shit... I'll probably do the inverted parachute. Could i mix it in water or something and then just drink the water?
Yeah ive never climed that far on the ladder either, my ass is strictly an exit only.
As for the water im not really sure, never tried it. I just ground it up, put it all on a rolling paper, wrapped the paper into a tight ball and downed it with some saliva. I would have to think the water would dilute it a little, though not possative.


Well-Known Member
Also.. that is not true.. there are real coke based pills.. but most that say they are generally arent coke based, probably more likely for it to be meth or speed based. but good coke based pills are fun :) .. havnt seen any for a few years.. i miss the good old days :cry: ..
actuallly...It is true...there have only been a very limited number pills with cocaine in them Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports , there have been thousands upon thousands of meth based pills though. Danesafe has been testing pills for ten years and only have 10 cocaine pills in their compare that to meth Ecstasy Lab Testing & Analysis Results - Ecstasy Pill Reports. It makes sense considering meth is much more economical, in fact I wouldnt be surprised if some of the coke pills on edata are fakes, like the one heroin pill on there that clearly is :peace:

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Chronic ++++ always good on everything IMO

The main reason that you dont see real coke pills is because its more expensive. It'd be like buying some White Widow and then sell it as beasters, bad idea for a dealer unless they're selling the pills for a higher price. Mixing it in a drink is perfectly fine. I suggest not eating within like 3 hours before taking it to allow it to enter the system quicker but if you want, possibly the best, would be to eat the pill, wait like 20 minutes and eat like an apple or something so your metabolism acts quickly.

Also, you CAN drink alcohol on ecstasy but the biggest problem is the fact that alcohol dehydrates you and so does ecstasy, especially if you're dancing or moving a lot, which you should be. Drinking on it if you havent done it in a long time might not be a good idea (harder to tell if the pill is hitting as hard as it is) so I'd say no or just a little bit, (few shots, or few beers) but if you do then make sure to stay hydrated. Drink water, but not too much because thats a problem too. Make sure to drink like a cup of water every half hour to hour. If you forget to drink for like 2 hours and you feel you need it DO NOT start chugging, that has killed people in the past. Just drink a cup or two and wait a while. A clock would help becuase, especially if you're in a club or something you tend to loose track of time and 10 minutes of not drinking could have actually been 2 hours. Or vice versa. My friend drank 5 cups of water in under a half an hour, I yelled at him and he thought it had been like 3 hours. If you have gatorade, powerade, or a juice then that'll be better becuase you keep getting vitamins and minerals that you've sweated out. Plus it tastes soooo good.

When you're rolling really hard, try petting a cat or rubbing your face on it
Ask a woman for a massage (OHHHH THE BEST)

Good things to bring
Juice or powerade
Electronic Music
Starbursts <---- essential in my book (same with on acid)
Maybe something to chew on, like a rag or something. I tend to clench my teeth, some people grind them, while rolling hard.
Vick's Vapor Inhaler. Sniff on that every once in a while, or put it in your mouth backwards, just past the holes and blow softly at someones face, Great after a glowstick show, very cool breeze in the face

Thats all I got ATM


Well-Known Member
When you're rolling really hard, try petting a cat or rubbing your face on it
Ask a woman for a massage (OHHHH THE BEST)
Actually its funny you mention this. Last time i rolled, while i was in my 9th grade biology class, the "hottie" of the grade came up, and knew my friend and i were rolling and gave us both massages. At this point i was ready for some :hump:, and so was the little general. Then she started massaging the general and he friendly fired. In home base. And this was durring the peak of my roll. I still to this day havent felt something so amazing :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Then she started massaging the general and he friendly fired. In home base.
And then he jumped up on a B-52 and carpet bombed the shit out of the her jungle land, at which point the viet-crabs started burrowing into the mountains of her thighs. Then the little general, now promoted to Major General started giving Patton speach...whoa those war/sex flashbacks can be a bitch lol. good story anyways man