Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
no driving from bush blocks
how the fuck he think he can police that

what a cops gonna pulla ya over just going to the shops now getting rice, for ya kids, n check ya licence

he was refusing the filth a payrise last year, as if

shit is getting ridiculas now bloody civil servants :wall: smoke more dope than us


Well-Known Member
hang on

no holidays in your own state or travelling to ya beach house or bush bloke banned wtf

told ya he's a wanker, I'd know i used to work with that spastic, totally up himself
Soon you will have to have permission off the goverment to wipe your own arse.....
Or ya chin for those that talk shit


Well-Known Member
Yes because all people on welfare are bludgers. There are plenty of easier things to do for $250 a week than deal with centre link. Welfare is there for a reason
Sorry, mate, I'm gonna have to pull you up on this one & agree with you at the same time...

I've had harrowing times being on Newstart in the past (due to retrenchment) & they want you to apply for multiple (shitty) jobs per week that simply don't exist. You keep applying & show what you've done, but it never seems good enough for them.

Then when you find a job FOR YOURSELF, they ask "How can we help you further" (like they ACTUALLY helped you find that job FFS??).

I got contacted recently by the ATO - FIVE FUCKING YEARS after I got a job off my own bat, telling me that I'd been over-paid Newstart allowance & had to pay it back. We're talking about $300. Pay-up IMMEDIATELY!

It took them FIVE FUCKING YEARS to discover this debt, so I offerered to pay it back over five years (it's only fair, yeah?), but they insisted on a speedy pay-back & wanted to know everything about my current finances, how much I earn, how much my partner earns etc..etc..... I told them to fuck off. I've agreed to pay-off the debt at $15/week.

On top of that, the TOTAL amount that I got out of Centrelink during that financial year has been added to my taxable income, rather than simply the "over-payment" (which I'm paying-back).

Fuck 'em! They can chase me for it as long as my arse points to the ground.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Can see some mould in the LVTK pic that used to be the scrog (small pot in council bin). Cut that out and another piece just then. I dont recommend an outdoor scrog for us Tassie peeps.


Well-Known Member
like my premier just said on local tv no driving from your city pad to your bunker or hide out bush block, or sea change house

or hanging out at the beach places

Sydney full of flippin idiots,

your going first, ya spastics not taking scomo seriously plus with that bloody cruise ship that got off last week
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