Bugs make me cry!


Active Member
So heres the dilema... first of all, my first grow experience is becoming laughable. We took a couple seeds, stuck them in a pot and have been going 12/12 with the lights since the begining. Wow, the plant grew! I guess I'm still in vegetative growth, the little wonder is about a foot high and rather lanky. We have the little white hairy thingies (haha) sprouted from the top 3 leaf areas and other little whitish things in the soil! From what I've read the tiny little armed invaders may be mealy bugs? We got a food safe spray perticide but so far it hasn't delivered. Is there anything I can do to eliminate them without chemicals? (Plant is inside) Also, some of the white hairs have begin to "rust" already.... is this related or harmful? Someone help a girl out!


Well-Known Member
The white thingies....got rust on them.....I gotta see a pic of this...please...i'm begging!!!


New Member
lol.....i think she is talkin of pistol's she said she has been growin 12-12 from the start thats long enough to start sexin at this cycle...


Well-Known Member
I know what's going on. I just never seen a plant from start be on 12/12. That thing is probably 4 weeks from harvest...the most tiny buds of all time. There needs to be a journal on this


New Member
i am going to be doing that in a couple months i got a journel right now of plant that ima veg for 2 weeks from germ then flower....also i have seen a thread with some pics of a 12-12 grow that would put anything i have seen on here in awhile to shame...


Well-Known Member
i am going to be doing that in a couple months i got a journel right now of plant that ima veg for 2 weeks from germ then flower....also i have seen a thread with some pics of a 12-12 grow that would put anything i have seen on here in awhile to shame...

Where are they??? I could use a good laugh.


Active Member
yeah i know i need more specific info.. and yes by white things i mean pistols some of which have begun to turn reddish already. unfortunately when we started this plant situation we knew nothing about growing.. i mean i know just about everything you can about smoking anf can roll a blunt like a cuban laborer, but growing... another story. so its sounging like my fears are correct, im not going to be getting any buds? ill try and get a pic on here...