Silver Linings

I've not seen a pissing match between RiU members in several days. It could be due to..
  1. People are being nicer to each other due to the CV hassles that we all share.
  2. I've put the majority of folks who tend to argue (including every post starter in the political section) on ignore.
  3. I've just been lucky and have looked at all the right threads
I don't get why people would go to a weed site to be a jerk. Toking has always been a way to chill and couch out if needed to me. I guess I've mellowed more in my old age. I'm done with drama. Edit: most of the people I have interacted with here I would consider friends.
Just signed up online for unemployment.. I feel like I fucked up somehow. Some asshole ate bat soup and now I'm asking the government for money lol.. 2020 is awesome
Considering how much I paid in taxes last year it makes me glad to think some of it would go to someone I like. For my silver lining of the day you are ranking right up there next to my 20 new rolls of TP!
Bill is just one of the most naturally funny people on the planet, imo. Monday's podcast had me in stitches, he really knows how to take your mind off shit and keep it light. Enjoy!

My fav line -

"You know what? I guess we all are connected. 'Cause evidently if some guy on the other side of the planet sticks his dick in some bat's butt, next thing you know I can't sit out on a lake bass fishin' with one of my buddies!"
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After days of cold, clouds, wind and snow, it hit 60 in Chiraq today. Super sunny, too. Went out on my back porch to get a little sun for about 20 minutes. Witnessed very little traffic on the highway, and only a few people walking by. They had on masks. Saw this gorgeous, young hottie ride by on her bike with little clothing, no mask, and no helmet. Beautiful little moron. I went inside and thought about her as I masturbated...
After days of cold, clouds, wind and snow, it hit 60 in Chiraq today. Super sunny, too. Went out on my back porch to get a little sun for about 20 minutes. Witnessed very little traffic on the highway, and only a few people walking by. They had on masks. Saw this gorgeous, young hottie ride by on her bike with little clothing with no mask, and no helmet. Beautiful little moron. I went inside and thought about her as I masturbated...
You are providing her immortality! We only survive in the memories of our loved ones. So you thinking about her provided her her moment.