How much yield should i expect? 1st time grower


Well-Known Member
Wow , ur so precise , have u been suckin Nostradamus's shit lately?
Welcome to the site. it’s hard to say on yields. There are so many factors. They look good though just don’t chop early. That’s a common mistake. Come back as you get closer post more pics and everyone will help u through it.

Being new I highly suggest the ignore button. You’ll know who to ban they will stick out. It’s what they do for attention.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully someone with that light will chime in and help. I don’t use LED.

what nutrient line do you plan to use. And are you organic? More details please
Hopefully someone with that light will chime in and help. I don’t use LED.

what nutrient line do you plan to use. And are you organic? More details please
I know about factors , i mentioned their age for a reason , i asked following : as how they look at the age of 32 days what will be your predictions based on progression? That's it , I'm not expecting anyone to tell the final , objective answer..
As they are transitioning into the flowering stage, I'm planning to feed them with Advanced nutrients : bud ignitor, big bud + calmag