My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

I can't believe there is 95 pages devoted to this thread. When I first read it, I peed in my pants a little I laughed so hard.
I can't believe this popped :shock: up again.

I almost forgot how hilarious it was.

I even went back and read the first few pages again.

After seven months ole 420 still getting help.

Made me :smile:
All i know is that if an ant trys to cimb that
"plant" the main stem is going to snap in half.ahaha

i will take a shirt. with the above printed on it.
948 post and the jokes keep coming.

i miss GP420. brendon if its you please tell us. if you do i promise for every joke they make i will give you 2 compliments. just come back.:cuss:
I was thinking more like, there's one of the pictures of his plants on the front, and then everything he said on the back. it would come in various colors!! and that thing with just the single quote....good stuff man!! hahahhaaa
YEA!!! i pic of the fork and plant on front. the on the back like the concert shirts that have the date and what city. replaced with the quote and the post #.

"can male plants still bud by the way? isnt the weed just more seedier" post 57

"your plant has a fork growing out of it." post 75

"n can male plants bud? i heard that they can bud but the smoke is bad because it has alot of seeds, is this true or not thankyou" AGAIN post 87

and my favorite
"throw the plants smoke the plastic fork you willget a better buzz lol" post 189